• Fr3d
    15 years ago

    I will be getting some dyno time in the next week or so and just using it initially to do some Vtunes.  I hoped to get a more complete and expanded VE map.

    A question,

    Given I dont change the build can I used the VE's I get from the dyno Vtune in other maps to see how better or worse they may run?  I figured I could just copy over VE's.


  • streetdjack
    15 years ago
    Also do not change the CLB you were using on the dyno, or your VE's would be out...
  • Fr3d
    15 years ago
    Thanks for that. I figure the physical flow of the motor would not change given the build is not going to change, just the maps. I will keep the constants the same and really just look at how the timing changes affect the ride/tune when I transplant the VE's into other maps. I would have thought the fueling side of the maps would not affect things, after all after when we normally do Vtunes we have the option of adjusting AFR's at will, but I still have a lot to learn.