Why do I get logged out?

  • gsh
    16 years ago

    Every time I go out of the site and then come back in I have to relog in. This is a pain in the butt. Is it just me but does it happen to anyone else?

  • czarek
    16 years ago

    No, not at all !!!

  • gsh
    16 years ago
    I'll go out and back in again and see if I have a remember to log in box.
  • gsh
    16 years ago
    I may need more help yet. I'm looking for a good pic for my avator. When I find one I'll have a go at putting it in. I have read the instructions that kc put up but they are not in english.
  • gsh
    16 years ago

    I'ts a big island, almost big enough to be a country on it's own


  • gsh
    16 years ago
    And don't anyone even think about asking for a map of tassie..............................