To keep thinks humming along I've created a set of forum ranks, now you all have something to aspire to!
and what does one get to be after 100,000 posts? Just looking ahead a bit
I liked motormouth better
Motormouth sounds like something you would call ya missus,
I hope it doesnt become a competition to fill this great Forum up with a bunch of useless non HARLEY DAVIDSON related Crap just to register postings.
Your avatar makes me want to give up drinking
I'm scared if I drank enough you might become attractive
Yes, any post you make whether starting new or replying adds one to your post count.
King KC
I love the forum as is. I ride a softy and when I need a tech info on softails I go stright to that section. I can see no point in reading a tech info on dynas, sportster etc that does not apply to me. The rest of the forum should be taken with a pinch of salt. There is agreat deal of good info, just use the search facility and you'll find what you looking for.
I love when members take a piss out of each other, that's what makes this site , and life in general, interesting.
You've done a great job KC, blokes like me (green behind the ears when it comes to HD's) benefited from this site greatly. One little sugestion - pleeeeeese aad a splell checke to the top of remerkes. Bloody foreiners like me need it badlyy.