My kind of music

  • gsh
    16 years ago
    .....................and if you go down, lay her down softly....................:-) I like that.

    RT, when you ride do you listen to music all the time, some of the time or not at all?

  • Mega!
    16 years ago

    This question might be open to a few "who f*#%en cares" responses but I'll ask it anyway.............

    I always thought that it was illegal to use an ipod/discman or whatever when on a bike or in a car and you get fined for it?? These days you hear (no pun intended) of 'ear mold" (sp?) for ipods etc so you can hear your music better and so on. So what's the deal? Legal or not???

    I carried a discman one time in my pack on the way to Busselton to listen to some music and i gound I had to crank it out pretty loud to even hear it over the wind. This had me thinking a) how the hell will I hear any sirens, horns, vehicles etc etc and b) isn't riding about being in the moment with the sound of your bike and the wind whipping by?

     Don't get me wrong here guys, not having a go at you blokes for putting the headphones on.......heck, the Granny Glides have stereos for a reason right?......but just wonder if it is legal or not.

     I can certainly understand the joy of taking a ride and having some cool road tunes playing. I'm a sucker for great country & rock & roll/metal myself (most people won't admit to liking country and many more reckon it's crap but hey, I love the stuff! Will admit I'm biased though.....only really like 1 Aussie country artist and the best are from the U.S).

     So, does it impede on the city riding? Does it make awareness on what's going on around you less than safe????


    Cheers Y'all

  • czarek
    16 years ago

    Hi Mega!

    There is nothing in law to prevent you from listening to your music, over the headphones or not, while riding

    After all there is not much difference between listening to music via headphones or cranking the stereo in your car and closing all windows, all you will hear is the music, nothing else.

    Hands free mobile phone attachement is legal while riding therefore listening to your I-lpod can not be disallowed.

    Having said that there are other avenues that you can be done (ticket, Court). If it can be proven that listening to the music/phone/any other device distracted the rider/driver to the point that he/she did not have proper control of the vehicle, that person can be charged with careless or dangerous riding/driving.

    So you can listen but make sure it does not distract you from safe riding, not just because you can be charged but for your own safety.

    Hope this helps