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Bike popping on deacceleration and downchanges.

  • vladt
    16 years ago

    Hi All,

    Bought 2008 Street Bob about 3 month ago. Peter Stevens fitted V&H short shots stag'ed, SERT and SE Pod Filter. Since the day one of ownership, the bike has been "popping" on de-acceleration and down changes. The dealer promised that this would "go away". However it's been over 3 month and 3500kms later and the problem is still here. (little less than before)
    Now the stealer wants me to spend $400 on a dyno tune.

    What shall I do?
    I've heard SERT2 Or recently released SERT PRO are self-tunning? If this is true, shall I just
    change over my SERT?
    Should I just pay for Dyno Tune.

    I could try and try changing engine "enleanment" parameters myself, but I could not find "data connector to serial" cable that supposed to have come in the kit.
    Did you guys get that cable with  your SERT?

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


  • Daggs
    16 years ago
    same as what the guys on the US site told you, get it dyno'd by a professional, just get some input here on where is a good place to take it to get the job done
  • vladt
    16 years ago
    Sounds good Daggs.
    So what's a good place in Melbourne to Dyno my Harleu?
  • GREG
    16 years ago
    If you are thinking of getting rid of the SERT to go for an updated sert2 etc, then have a think about the T/Max, problem solved, no popping, no dyno ever (unless you really want to).
  • gsh
    16 years ago

    I have the same with mine, I was going to say problem but I kinda like the popping. I'm riding to Qld and back next month and if it still pops. I'm going to dyno tune it when I get back, with the kind of money I've spent on it I'd like to see what the figures are. It looks like the 103 kits are not that much more in power unless tuned anyway. I have the stage II 103 with cert and 2 into 1 Vance and hines radius.

  • vladt
    16 years ago
    Thanks for all your hlep boys.
    I have 2008 SB which was purchased Nov last year. Done 3500 kms so far. V&H short shots, SERT 07 version I believe. (not the newly relesaed SERT Pro)

    roadtrain - I've installed the SERT tuner software yesterday on my laptop, found the data connector (behind electical caddy) but Peter Stevens didn't give me a data connector/to serial cable!!! Hence I can't connect
    data connector -- to -- serial adapter -- to my pc.


    I understand that "popping" is a combustion of unused fuel in your exhaust, so the mixture must be "enleaned" so the fuel doesn't combust in the exhaust.

    Greg - where do you get T-Max from? How much is it and why doesn't it need dyno tuning? Is it hard to install?

    stix68 - I've checked all the nuts and pipe flanges. All seems to be tight. Double checked the air cleaner and it's also good. So I guess the question remains - where do I go to for the dyno tune in Melbourne?

    Peter Stevens in Dand. does dyno tuning, but at $400 per tune is a "day light robber" IMHO.

    Any suggestions?
  • GREG
    16 years ago
    vladt, I got my Thundermax Auto from MandM cycles in he US. It should cost you between $750-$900 Aussi dollars delivered, all dependent on the strengt of the dollar and if there are any promos going on.

    It is an auto tune ECU replacement (so you remove your stock ECU and put it in a box in your shed). It has wide band O2 sensors which in conjunction with the ECU make automatic adjustments to the tune of your bike as you ride every time you ride. You choose a base map to download which closley matches what you have fitted to your bike (cubes, pipes, AC, cams etc)and it learns from there. You can even change things like cams, pipes air cleaners and it will learn the new set up and tune it to suit (big changes like throttle bodies or bore kits you download a new map again).

    Simple enough to install, there are a few small issues but they are easy to work through. Takes a few hours of slowly ploding along. And a few on the forum have done the install so help is only a post away.

    You can buy a "serial port to usb adaptor cable" from any electrical/computer store about 30-40$. Ya need one for the T/max as well.

    Hope this helps.
    16 years ago

     THUNDERMAX : on my S/BOB the cable is behind the left hand cover , i just unwind it and plug it into me puter     maybe softys dont come with it as standard ?

  • gsh
    16 years ago
    last time I was at the dealers and was going through the SE booklet (not the same as the one in the big book they give you) it states that cable is sold seperately and even had a part number for it. I love my cert as it stopped the pinning which is bad news for engines. Rather than spending another $800 bucks on Thundermax just get it tuned and they will tweak more ponies out of it.
    Just my opinion because that is what I'm doing. I didn't spend $4000 on it to make it go and then stop $400 short on the last tweak and ponies.
  • Beef
    16 years ago

    Recently had my Fatboy dynotuned using the Power Commander.  Before the tune the tune the S&S slipons made massive popping noices on decel. I used to crack the throttle slightly to avoid it (ie-changing mixture slightly).  Since the tune 99% of it has gone.

    The tune has made the bike much more flexible and a bit more grunt to boot.