Reverse Gear

  • Bloke
    16 years ago

    While searching the net for  fully floating brake discs and other exotic items  for another branded motorcycle in my shed I came across a kit to fit a reverse gear to big twin 5 and 6 speed gearboxes.

    Mainly for guys with sidecars or trike conversions this would be great for a weasel built fella like myself who has trouble getting the big Glide outta the garage at times, and that's on flat ground.

    Offered by a mob called Champion Sidecars for about 2K USD plus 5 hrs labour from your favorite HD mechanic to fit, it looks ideal except for the cost.

    Has anyone here had any experiance with it?  I'm wondering about the usual, reliability, oil leaks, ease of operation ect.  Looks good though, just a lever protruding from the gearbox and no other external clues to the mod inside.  Just select neurtal, clutch in, move lever, clutch out, rev engine and paddle backwards. Beats a three month reigeme at the Jim and looks cool.

