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Oil filter change with silver foil made clean and easy

  • wildchild
    15 years ago

    We all know its a messy job when it comes to removing the oil filter, oil all over the front of your engine and in those hard to clean places.

    I managed to replace the oil filter on my 97 Ultra today without a drop of oil anywhere.

    So I thought I would share what I did to achieve a no mess oil filter change.

    1. Put bike on side stand

    2. Place an oil tray benieth the front end to catch oil that spils from the make shift silver foil funnel. 

    3. Wrap silver foil around neck of oil filter housing holding it in place with some duck tape or similar and remove oil flter.

    4. Oil will run down silver paper and into oil tray.

    5. Remove silver foil carefully not to drop oil anywhere. Notice there is not a drop to be seen anywhere.

    6. Fill filter with fresh oil and let soak for a short time.

    6. Fit new oil filter.

    7. Check oil level before you start her up.

    8. Take her for a test run and check oil level when engine is at operating temp.




  • Chips
    15 years ago
    I use a cut down 3 liter milk carton. You can reuse it then, time and time again. Little hint I got from a Pt Lincoln mechanic.
    15 years ago

    Good tips fellas.

  • nimo07sporty
    15 years ago
    yes thanks for the hints i going to do a service on my sporty tomorrow and the silver foil idea is a great idea will use that to had a oil free bike thanks great idea, no one likes oil on there bike
  • roadie
    15 years ago
    Great tips. Especially for rubber mount motors as oil seems to perish the rubber mount.
  • Hound_Dog
    15 years ago
    Mate, use a 1.25 litre Coke bottle, cut it into a kind of cradle/scoop shape with the nexk as the handle....perfect and no mess whatsoever.
  • nimo07sporty
    15 years ago
    yeah i used the foil and was great, got service done and not a drop of oil anywhere
  • sime69
    15 years ago

    Doesn't take much force to punch a hole. I use an old Philips head, couple of taps with a hammer to centre it, then a couple of harder ones and it will open up like a tin can. ...which is all the filter is I guess!! 

    Sometimes I also whack it thru the middle of the filter if its hard to get off (you can lever the filter round with the screwdriver sticking out).

    Wildchild - that is a sweet lookin ride, love the paint scheme. Almost bought a Low Rider in the same day!