SE street legal slipons

  • steadythelead
    17 years ago

    Has anyone had anything to do with the new SE slipons? How do they sound compared to standard muffs? I have a 2008 softail custom

  • kingchops
    17 years ago
    I have them on my bike, I'd say they're a little on the quiet side but still much better sound than stock. I'd describe them like this:

    Stock: 1
    SE SP: 5
    Open pipes: 10
  • GREG
    17 years ago
    I have them on my softail along with all of the usual (hi flow filter, exhaust valve disabled and Tmax). KC is on the mark pretty much. They are stamped as being at 80db. They are a heap better sound than stock but not as "HOT ROD" as V&H or the like.

    My family still think they are too loud when I park the bike in the garage at 2am though.

  • steadythelead
    17 years ago

    Thanks, john

  • Paul.C
    17 years ago

    I have a set for sale if your interested.



  • steadythelead
    16 years ago

    Thanks Paul, I had already ordered them otherwise I would have considered your offer.

    Did you not like them for some reason?
