G'day my name is Todd AKA Dude. I've just bought my 1st HD a 1998 XL1200S. It flies and I love riding it. The town of Nelson has about 200 people and they are slowly getting used to the sound of me riding around making probably a little too much noise and having way too much fun. I bought the bike to travel the 80km return trip to Uni. Yeah 40 k's each way, 110km/h limit, twisty highway and not a single traffic light. It's my 1st year of Uni. and I have an aggreement that if I fail or dropout I will sell the bike. So I have a very good reason to put in the hard yards. Without a doubt this will be the 1st of many HD's, just nothing compares.
Thanks, Dude
P.S. When I figure out how to e-mail picures I'll send some in.
welcome from WA.... fair incentive... enjoy your ride
Welcome to the forum Dude. Another WA rider here.
What are you studying?
G'Day Dude, from the 'Top End' NT.
Enjoy the ride.
DUDE, Welcome aboard.....From melb
Hey Dude, welcome to the site.
G'day Todd, and welcome to the site. Congrats on the purchase of the bike and good luck with your studies.
Hi from Cairns FNQ. Sounds like you have had an eventful life. Good on ya and keep riding.