Hi Guys....I'm a Newbie here and just wanted to share some info on qietening after market pipes.
I recently bought some D & D performance pipes from Rollies Speed Shop in Brisbane ( $485 ) and fitted them myself. These sound Friggin' awesome, but were way too loud......I have been searching the Net for someone who could make some baffles to quieten it down a bit but not put it back to standard.
I eventually found site that had a make your own tunable baffle by welding a flat 1 1/2" steel flat washer with a 1/2" hole to the head of a 1/4" bolt and then attaching that to the end of the D&D pipe by using the same hole that the original baffle bolt came from.
A bit of mucking about to get it welded etc.......so I went to my local bicycle shop and asked if they any chain tensioners in stock, the guy comes back with an assortment of different sized tensioners and here was exactly what I was looking for i.e. 1 1/2" flat washer with 1/2" hole, I took out the baffle bolt and put my finger inside the hole of the washer end to hold it in position so that the washer bit is sitting vertical, tighten up the bolt and hey presto.......my noisy pipes are now louder than standard but not like the Mac Truck sound I had before.
I took it for a test ride and she has still has heaps of grunt and no performance loss, engine runs perfect and problem solved.
My bike is a 2007 883 low with no other Mods and I can't see why this Mod could not be used for any other after market Performance pipes i.e. Screamin Eagle, S & S etc.
Have fun.......Greg.