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Parts for V&H install on 08 Models

  • HDConvert
    17 years ago

    I am about to purchase a 2008 Dyna Super Glide Custom and was considering either V&H Big Radius or Side Shots. Given that so many people seem to be going with big radius these days I figured I would go with chrome side shots.

    The dealer also put the following items on the quote:

    1. S/E Aircleaner kit
    2. Dobeck Fuel management system (not sure if this is really needed)
    3. V&H by pass module
    4. V&H quiet baffles (not sure if the bike would sound better with baffles in)

    I am not sure what is and isn't a must out of the list above. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    I was told that the bike would likely cough and splutter and backfire when slowing down toward lights and would sound crap without the Dobeck Fuel management system. Is this true? I was also told that the bike would run much healthier with the fuel management system on.

    Finally, what are your thoughts on the two different pipes (V&H big radius vs. side shots). I have heard people say that big radius are VERY loud. Is there much difference between them and side shots when it comes to - sound and volume? I don't want the pipes I chose to be too quiet but not excessively loud. I would prefer the VERY loud option rather than too quiet but just not sure about the side shots as I have never heard them.

    Sorry for those I doubled up responses for. Just trying to hit the right forum for some advice and thought this would likely be a better option.

  • HDConvert
    17 years ago
    Hi Noit...... I'm in Sydney. Thanks for the info. By the sounds of it the big radius pipes are much better than straight shots. I think I really need to get to a dealer that has a bike with side-shots and big radius on bikes and listen to the difference. I recently rode 2 bikes with big radius and like the sound of them. However, I have not yet heard side-shots. Given that everyone seems to be going with big radius these days I wanted something a little more custom and I am yet to see too many bikes with chrome side-shots (plenty with black ones lately though). Hopefully the side-shots will sound similar to big radius.

    Hopefully I won't regret the decision I make this weekend (which is when I am going in to put the doposit down and order the parts).
  • HDConvert
    17 years ago
    Thanks Bano, that makes 2 from 2 that have never heard of the Dobeck Fuel Management System. I have sent an email to the dealer requesting a response regarding the 3 options PCIII, SERT and Dobeck. Waiting for their response to see why Dobeck was recommended over the others. The Dobeck system has a weird part number not found in the accessories book so it is obviously a third-party accessory. Part number was MOTT1440ST.
  • HDConvert
    17 years ago
    Bano I think from memory you were from Wollongong - is that correct? Are there many guys down that way getting together for rides? I grew up (well, went to school) down that way and would be keen to catch up on a ride with some guys from down that way when I get the bike on the road.
  • HDConvert
    17 years ago
    Thanks Karlrockdrain, sounds like I need to go back to the dealer and see why they recommended the Dobeck system and why the PC III and SERT have not been brought up by them. I appreciate your feedback.
  • HDConvert
    17 years ago
    Thanks thurs7ero and karlrockdrain (and all others). I changed my mind around that much just getting deciding on the bike and the parts was even worse. In the end, I decided to go with the Harley Davidson race tuner after speaking with a HD rep regarding warranty. Given that I have come from a Ducati to a Harley there is probably a good chance that I will want to do some work on the engine later down the track. From what I hear the Dobeck system is not going to handle any serios work on the engine and I would be looking at upgrading to another system later on. The HD rep and one of their dealers claim that the race tuner will provide plenty of scope for future engine mods (or maybe I was just sucked in to buying another HD product).

    Bike should be ready to ride out of the shop within the week. Hope to see some of you out on the road. Thanks again for the info!!!
  • HDConvert
    17 years ago
    Cheers Bano. Spent some time down at Narooma and obviously grew up in Wollongong as previously mentioned so always keen to catch up with people for a ride south of Sydney. I am taking the bike north this weekend but will be keen to do a run down past your way very soon. Let me know if you are planning anything in the short term and I will join you otherwise will be in touch soon.
  • Big Joe
    Big Joe
    16 years ago
    HDConvert. IM with thrus7er on this one. Weve fitted many pc111s to 07s and have found them to work quite well although weve had to alter the downloadable maps considerably. Weve got our own set up of a stage one kit and it definetly doesnt include V&H pipes.(Im a little bias there though) Weve changed over to the dobeck units after some lenghty on road testing using a twin scan unit and found the afr to be constant. The engines ran cosiderably cooler, had better throttle response and noticeably smoother. Weve also done some side by side testing with identical bikes. One with a pc111 and the other with the dobeck. The was only a slight difference in performance but the dobeck did have the edge. The unit was also easier to fit and we didnt have to remove the battery or any brackets as associated with the pc111. As thrus7er has posted earlier the results speek for themselves. The only advantage that the pc111 had over the dobeck is that it has a rev extend feature allowing the engine to rev to 6300rpm. At that point youre out of the torque, hp curve on a stage 1 set up anyway. ive just fitted one to an 06 with our stage 1 setup and a set of 210 s&s cams and it was impressive for an 88 cube. obviously the wide band closed loop systems are the ants pants, but if its bang for the buck youre after then look no further.
    As for rides, Im in Wollongong and we regularly organise rides on weekends usually on sundays and over nighters every two months. Give me a call on 0412 314 526 if youre interested and i'll give ya some more info.
    Cheers. Joe.