V&H Pipes on 2008 Dyna

  • HDConvert
    16 years ago

    I am about to purchase a 2008 Dyna Super Glide Custom and was considering either V&H Big Radius or Side Shots. Given that so many people seem to be going with big radius these days I figured I would go with chrome side shots.

    The dealer also put the following items on the quote:

    1. S/E Aircleaner kit
    2. Dobeck Fuel management system (not sure if this is really needed)
    3. V&H by pass module
    4. V&H quiet baffles (not sure if the bike would sound better with baffles in)

    I am not sure what is and isn't a must out of the list above. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    I was told that the bike would likely cough and splutter and backfire when slowing down toward lights and would sound crap without the Dobeck Fuel management system. Is this true? I was also told that the bike would run much healthier with the fuel management system on.

    Finally, what are your thoughts on the two different pipes (V&H big radius vs. side shots). I have heard people say that big radius are VERY loud. Is there much difference between them and side shots when it comes to - sound and volume?

  • fatboboz
    16 years ago
    hi bud,
    I cant talk from experience about the HD's as I'm just off a 109r, and waiting on a FXDF. But I have done bag loads of research while waiting and I did heaps to the 9er.
    I am getting the V&H Big Rads but I believe they are no louder than the side shortshots you want. either way they have 2" spiral baffles about 10" long and not much else so the quiet baffles ( wrapped in glass ) your dealer is fitting is probably a good idea. I've already modded my Big Rad baffles with the washer mod, and I will achieve a quiet but still good note this way, just like I did with my 109. As with the 9, as with most EFI bikes, if you put in pipes and big air you will need a new map or you will run real lean and you will pop and fart on decel and run the risk of detonation and the damage that goes with it. Use a PCIII, or SERT or dobeck ( never heard of this one...) or whatever, but use one for sure.
  • fatboboz
    16 years ago
    oh yeah, forgot the eliminators.
    You will need the eliminators if you remove the exhaust and intake sensors from the loom.
    I am using both, and then also pulling the o2 sensors from the pipes and using bungs. The PCIII for a dyna comes with the o2 eliminator plug so you just pop it into the loom like the other two and voila, no error codes.
  • HDConvert
    16 years ago
    Thanks for the info fatboboz. Enjoy the new bike when it arrives and stay safe.
  • boofhead
    16 years ago


    Without the queit baffles the side shots are really loud, and for me are too loud. They are also very harsh sounding, like a straight through system. I've been riding for a year without the quiet baffles and are getting some soon. I still really like the look of them though.

    My bike;

    boofs ride



  • HDConvert
    16 years ago
    Nice ride Boofhead. This is the first time I have seen sideshots on an FXDC and I really like it. That just eased my mind. I was still thinking the big radius pipes may look better but I am set on the sideshots now. The dealer has a bike without the baffles in. I might go and listen to this tomorrow to see if I like it or not.

    I see you have made some other nice mods to the bike. I have been in two minds about putting forward controls on. I decided to get highway pegs put on for the open roads and stick with mid mounted pegs for the city as I love to throw a bike around. I will see how I feel with the two riding positions and will go with what feels best.

    Thanks again for the info and the photo.
  • 10sec Dyna
    10sec Dyna
    16 years ago

    Do yourself a big favour and consider "Hooker" pipes.

    They are ceramic coated, step tuned and have full heat shields and removable baffles.

    I have seen first hand 12hp increase on a dyno from pipes and jets on a carbied 95 cube.

    I have the Drag pipes but would consider the "Trouble makers" if replacing them.

    Believe me you won't be sorry.

  • boofhead
    16 years ago
    Got the queit baffles in today and they are just what I wanted.
    A couple of Db quieter, still got the harley boom boom but without the harshness.
  • boofhead
    16 years ago
    Ta mate. Well I gotta say, Black sideshots or shortshots on a dark ride look the best. Solid choice.

    No, if anything with the increased backpressure the low end is a better.

  • andij
    16 years ago
    dark ones look great on any bike