My EVO is back firing when I back off. I had no baffles in it and no worries, I put T-makers on with baffles and it now back fires, also did the same with stock pipes, so I don't think it's an exhaust leak, I also put new gaskets in with new pipes.
When I'm de-accelerating if I give it a little choke it doesn't back fire. The mixture screw is about 3/4 turn out to run right when idling.
So I think it's running lean???
Needs bigger jet??? main??? pilot???
It's an S&S E series carb. So if I need bigger jet are they hard to do in S&S carbs??? I have done my own jetting on dirt bikes but never a harley.....
thanks in advance............
To check for intake and exhaust leaks start a COLD engine and spray exhaust with soapy water - look for bubbles, spray intake with Airostart or carby cleaner and listen for idle increase. You could spray the exhaust with carby cleaner but then you would be looking for a flash of flame and calling 000. Sprays are COLD and WILL damage a HOT engine!!!!