Online: baldy1450, Hilly

We need a short run this weekend

  • F.K.
    15 years ago

    We might be OK for this week-end, so put down for 2 definite maybe's.

    Here is my suggestion, so don't shoot me if you've been this way lately, cause i'm new on here. You could try the Nambour RSL, not a bad club, lots of parking etc.

    You could meet at the twin BP's northboard at say, 9:30 for a 10:00 leave, travelling via Woodford, Peachchester, Landsborough, Montville and Nambour.


    I'll go back to my corner now.....


  • F.K.
    15 years ago

    OK, how about a cruise around the countrside and lunch at the Spinnaker Sound Marina just before the Bribie Bridge.

    They have a bit of an upmarket (SORT OF) fish and chip shop, in as much as it's licensed and you can get anything from a steak to a fish, coffee to a bourbon.


  • Hipshooter
    15 years ago

    I'm always up for  a quicky! I'm in.

    Don't know this sunny place called QLD too well yet, I'm happy to be a sheep at this stage. I havn't been disapointed with the rides yet......................

  • Kustomtown
    15 years ago
    I could be in for a leisurely one on Sunday..........
  • pro_hilda
    15 years ago
    How is everyone hope u are all doing fine i see u all have been having fun i will try and catch with u guys soon i hope

    Hills xx
  • Kustomtown
    15 years ago
    I'm cool with any destination.

    Meeting time and place?
  • homerd
    15 years ago
    I be in for this as well, where we meeting, and what time, thats all i need to know, don't make it to early have an engagement party to drink at Saturday night, and it's not mine.
  • Kustomtown
    15 years ago

    We seem to be stuck for thoughts, so here's a couple........

    1. Chev super Sunday, 8 Mile Plains Primary School. $2 entry (Entertainment, car show etc) with a short ride after, maybe to Southbank markets (look around and lunch), city/valley cruise.
    ----or---- lunch at Sandgate/Redcliffe on the water.

    2. Visit Fernvale markets. Then ride to Wivenhoe dam, back way up thru Mt. Glorious, Samford, Ferny Grove lunch.

    I really don't mind.....any other suggestions?


  • 1elcys
    15 years ago
    I have another ride already booked, so have a great ride you lot and watch out for dickheads, they are everywhere.
  • Kustomtown
    15 years ago
    How about northsiders meet at Caltex, Carseldine at 9am for a 9.30 off?
    Meet Southerners in the City corner of Edward St and Alice St at 10am(next to botanical gardens......there's a semi roundabout there for off rd parking)
    Then down to 8 Mile Plains for a look around
    Then off to southern bayside for lunch........maybe Cleveland Sands Hotel?

    Any other suggestions are welcome, just thought I'd post some definate times and places to work from............
  • Kustomtown
    15 years ago
    I thought to meet the southerners in the city so we have a bit of a ride together, rather than meet at 8 mile plains.
    Good band at the chev day too. J.B Lewis and Mojo Webb. No doubt there will be some cool blues played.
  • Hipshooter
    15 years ago

    Lets lock it in Eddy.....Final answer.

  • Hipshooter
    15 years ago

    Thanks anyway Rob, but I'll prob go up to the markets before meeting everyone, so the BP southbound will be fine.


  • Phillthy
    15 years ago
    I'm out, prior arrangements.

    Have a good one.
  • homerd
    15 years ago
    Ok, Caltex at 9.00am it is Geoff, see you there, hopefully.
  • Kustomtown
    15 years ago

    Who else is in?

    So far..............Me, Jilli, Skulz, Hipshooter, Rocka, Homer, Trev/Di, jdcustom


    Anyone else?

  • robert65
    15 years ago
    iam out for this weeekend heading up to bundy for a 50th, bloody old people!
  • F.K.
    15 years ago

    Not sure yet KT, the weather might be good to take the to Tangalooma yet.

  • monarofan
    15 years ago
    i'm a definite, maybe, kinda, sorta,
    will know for sure Saturday arv
  • jdcustom
    15 years ago

    Its about time I meet some of the SEQ crew.  See at the city meeting point at 10am


