We might be OK for this week-end, so put down for 2 definite maybe's.
Here is my suggestion, so don't shoot me if you've been this way lately, cause i'm new on here. You could try the Nambour RSL, not a bad club, lots of parking etc.
You could meet at the twin BP's northboard at say, 9:30 for a 10:00 leave, travelling via Woodford, Peachchester, Landsborough, Montville and Nambour.
I'll go back to my corner now.....
OK, how about a cruise around the countrside and lunch at the Spinnaker Sound Marina just before the Bribie Bridge.
They have a bit of an upmarket (SORT OF) fish and chip shop, in as much as it's licensed and you can get anything from a steak to a fish, coffee to a bourbon.
I'm always up for a quicky! I'm in.
Don't know this sunny place called QLD too well yet, I'm happy to be a sheep at this stage. I havn't been disapointed with the rides yet......................
We seem to be stuck for thoughts, so here's a couple........ 1. Chev super Sunday, 8 Mile Plains Primary School. $2 entry (Entertainment, car show etc) with a short ride after, maybe to Southbank markets (look around and lunch), city/valley cruise. ----or---- lunch at Sandgate/Redcliffe on the water. 2. Visit Fernvale markets. Then ride to Wivenhoe dam, back way up thru Mt. Glorious, Samford, Ferny Grove lunch. I really don't mind.....any other suggestions?
Lets lock it in Eddy.....Final answer.
Thanks anyway Rob, but I'll prob go up to the markets before meeting everyone, so the BP southbound will be fine.
Who else is in? So far..............Me, Jilli, Skulz, Hipshooter, Rocka, Homer, Trev/Di, jdcustom Monarofan? F.K? DLUX? Anyone else?
Not sure yet KT, the weather might be good to take the to Tangalooma yet.
Its about time I meet some of the SEQ crew. See at the city meeting point at 10am