Online: chopa

Thread lockers etc

  • hattown.nt
    15 years ago
    IMO and their are better home mechanic's here than me. On the primary I would be using a mild loctite. I use loctite on most things on my bikes. I use anti seize on things like exhaust flanges and areas that cop a lot of dust or heat. The only problem I have using loctite is if you pull the bolts of a few times you will find the loctite gets jammed in the thread and you will end up cross threading. To solve that a tap and die set to clean threads up before re-assembling.
    Hope that helps....
  • DynaRider
    15 years ago
    thread chaser would be better that a tap
    cleaning the old thread locker from both hole and fastener every time is a good idea
    as a bit of a (very general) guide
    blue for alloy (cover screws etc)
    red for steel (compensator, clutch nut etc)
    green for seriously permanent (crank nuts and the like)