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Chat room clarification Mr Chops

  • Magilla
    16 years ago

    Mr Chops

    The chat room ....... is it running normal now .. as in .... what it is designed to do?

    From what I see .... every time I go thread surfin and come back its like rejoining the chat i.e. lost all history of what was happening

    When people go in and out of threads they pop up as joined the chat

    Whats the go?

  • kingchops
    16 years ago
    It's designed to be used on one page, ie it's not designed to keep the history between page refreshes. Same with the [xxx joined] message. If all you did was use the chat module while on one page it would work fine. The chat module is specifically designed for the web CMS that I'm using called Dotnetnuke and it's an early release so I expect they'll improve it and add more options to keep history between pages etc. If all you are doing is browsing the forum it's best to use the "Forum Home - No Chat" page as the chat won't come up.
  • Magilla
    16 years ago

    Ah ..... I knew that.............