Online: evo94

Hi all

  • Big Joe
    Big Joe
    17 years ago

    Hi all.  joe here. Just stumbled on the site. Great to see an Aussie forum up and running. Been around Harleys now for quite some time. Hope i can add something to the site and recieve as well. I have an 07 softtail custom with some some mods done. I will post some pics when i figure out how.

  • kingchops
    17 years ago

    Hi Joe and welcome to the site.  Just had a quick look at your website (I noticed it from your email), man there's some cool looking stuff on there.   Let me know if it's ok to post a link to your site?

    Great to have someone like yourself on board!

    Would love to see some pics of your bike, posting is quite easy check out this topic:


  • Big Joe
    Big Joe
    17 years ago
    Thanks kingchops. would be great to have a link to my website on the page. will post some pics today.
  • Big Joe
    Big Joe
    17 years ago
    Thanks for puttin up the link kingchops.
    Glad your happy with the product stix. Just leave em in. wont hurt.
    rkc lover check out "up comin rides" on my website. mick will be posting more info shortly. will post some rides were organising on the forum as well.
  • boofhead
    17 years ago

    Hi Joe
    Welcome to the site. The pipes in your avatar look friggin awesome, really unique.

    I've always wondered how they get around the problem of different pipe lengths & so different back pressure for the front & rear pots. Those pipes would be about the same length wouldn't they ?


    BTW I lived in the Gong for 8 years too. Left in 02 though.

  • nobody
    17 years ago

    Hi Joe and welcome from the Big smoke

    Just wished I didn't have to live here



  • Big Joe
    Big Joe
    17 years ago
    Thanks boofhead. just finished that set of pipes about two weeks ago. The guy liked big radius pipes but wanted something a liitle different, so i came up with those. lenghts are almost the same. Got good results out of em.