Look who rode into Tassie

  • gsh
    17 years ago

    Our very own roadtrain. He sure gets around, last week he was riding the alps with WozzA. It was good meeting up with him, he is a gentleman. Look forward to see some of his pics from his latest journey when he gets back home.

    Cheers,    Reno.


    17 years ago

  • Rocket
    17 years ago
    Looks cold there Wozza, isn't it supposed be summer ?

  • GREG
    17 years ago

    Three old men in trench coats 

    Look out ladies, who knows whats gona happen........hahahah.

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    yeah... gotta worry about those three in 'trench coats'....

    we actually had a little rain down south on the Northcliffe run, but soon dried out and was not cold enough to worry about wet weather gear...

  • gsh
    17 years ago
    BON VOYAGE RT. If you are reading this, have a good trip back on the boat tonight.

    Cheers, Reno.