welcome aboard phantom.... enjoy the company
Hi phantom,
I'm also from the north of Sydney. Might catch up with you on the old highway one day.
Welcome aboard phantomxrt hope u enjoy your new rkc as i know you will
stay safe from melb
And welcome to the forum! Wazza asked.... U got a SKULL ring? I was thinking.... U got a Falcon XR turbo in purple?
Ohhh yeah
G'day and welcome to the forum Phantom.Good to see another RK owner here in Sydney.
Hi Phontomxrt!
Good to see the list of NSW riders growing.......we should plan a ride sometime. Who else is in Sydney?
G'Day from the Top End NT. Enjoy the ride.
G'day Phantom,
Hope your enjoying your new ride and welcome to the forum
I ride in Sydney with some of the guy's from Trivett.
We will have to organise a N.S.W. HDFORUMS Ride soon.
^ love the pic,
I won't be there tonight , but look out for a Tall bald headed ( ugly ) guy named James
He user name on the forum is elppin.
the pic tells all mate.
easy pickings and extra revenue to boot