Online: WideglidingNZ

Bloody Hell!

  • Mega!
    16 years ago

    Nothing like that feeling of something crawling around inside your helmet on the way to work.

    Do your best to shake the sucker loose (praying it isn't a white-tip spider) in the strong morning easterlies and then suddenly "ZAP!" instant pain and the recognition of that feeling........."Ah crap! A friggin' bee".

    Yep, I got hit and pulled over to confirm what I already knew and there was the poor little brown and yellow bugger with its guts hangin' out its arse end. You blokes who have seen previous photo's of my last bee sting can imagine what this meant for me Although this time I didn't get it near my eye, the little bugger pinged me just next to my right sideburn & ear. I figured I'd continue to work after extracting the sting & seeing it was intact but could feel the lump where it got me. I only had a 20 minute ride to get there and went looking for a first aid officer to see if they had some crap I could put on it to get the gunk out. I was told there were no first aid officers in yet and they wouldn't touch it anyway. Apparently the first aid officers can only handle cuts, abrasions, busted twigs and burns........something to do with legislation that stops them whacking on a poultice or dishing out aspirin.

     So the boss suggested I go to hospital.

    "Bugger that!" I exclaimed, "I'm not sitting for four hours in emergency for someone to look at a bee-sting"

    So I got sent home with orders to see my doctor.

    Here I am at 3:20 in the arvo with a bloody aching jaw & ear; looking like I'm half related to a bloody gopher

    Best part is I scared the shit outta a little kid when I went to the shops after goin' to the doctor, she got a look at my half swollen face/neck and bolted to her mum............I reckon she'll either a) be scarred for life  or b) will be too scared by the monstrosity that spotted her trying to shoplift that she'll think twice about doing it again


    Better go.........I need to cut some eye holes in my hessian sack



           I'm praying Michael Jackson doesn't read this site or he'll be wanting to purchase me for his freak museum............or at least be wanting to know where the kid lives.

  • Scorp
    16 years ago
    Hey Mega in the for sale section on here there is a MDS Full face for sale eheheheh

    Be careful some hollywood scout dont see ya or they might want to make you the next player along side Cher in "Mask" and ffs dont start walking down the street saying " I am not an animal" we dont want ta go there now do we.
  • kingchops
    16 years ago

    Like the others said either a full face lid or if you don't like those what about a face mask?
  • GREG
    16 years ago
    Got ta stop smearing ya self in honey Mega.
  • sportytrace
    16 years ago
  • Haulen Ass
    Haulen Ass
    16 years ago

    Thats a bummer man.  Just think, if you rock the full face you'll see a splat of what would have ended up beeing another swollen face

  • Mega!
    16 years ago

    I don't think wearing a full face helmet would have solved the issue guys considering I believe the bee was probably already in my helmet when I put it on!!!!! I think it was possibly in the lining near my ear, being in a rush to get to work (riiiiight) I wouldn't have spotted a fricken Tarantula hiding out in it

     Besides, one sting this summer and one last summer.......not bad odds for a year-round rider (ok, aside from being off the bike for four months.........but still around bees when I got out the house!)

     I usually wear a mask (neoprene) or bandana on country runs and have antihystameine (sp?) on me, but on a zip to work it gets too bloody hot with all the traffic lights during the peak. I honestly don't like the full-face helmet (and it's nothing to do with looking 'cool') as I prefer to have my face in the wind. It's not like I need to carry an epipen for the allergy and it takes a while for the venom to flare me up, so, in reality if it had got me square in the throat I would have been in a hospital well before I choked to death.

    This is where I get to shrug and say "That's life".

     Heck, I nearly ended up as a hood ornament on a friggin' Porsche on my way to physio today coming off the freeway onto the Reid.

    If ya see a black Porsche with the rego of "Mon" flying around Perth.......feel free to ping a spark plug at the "C" for me



          no photo's uncle ho, my digital camera refuses to download stuff onto my computer.

  • czarek
    16 years ago


    Like Streetbob I keep my helmet at home. Some time ago I was taught a lesson by .... 10 - 20 moskitos. Not as nasty as bees but when you have 10 of them inside

    First you have to put up with annoing buzzing and then with multiple stings. I cut my hair pretty short so on this particular occasion I ended up with many, many itching stings 

    From that day I always bring my helmet home.

    Full face helmet? No thanks, I am with you on that one but I cover my face with a black HD scarf, does the job


    Anyway Mega, stay safe

  • gsh
    16 years ago

    them bees like wearing full face helmets

  • cattleprod
    16 years ago
    Reminds me of an incident a decade or 3 back. Groggy night, early morning off ta werk.
    Jacket on, helmut, gloves and away. Gets down the road a bit and .... something strange between inner and outer of the jacket.
    No probs just keep going... Starts to really anoy the crap out of me so i pull over, after much consternation jumping up and down,
    i find a dirty grey rat has bedded down in my jacket liner. Finding him was easy, getting him out isanother story all together.