Speedo fogging

  • Peter
    16 years ago

    I think this is a common problem but, I am wondering if anyone has what looks like an oil stain behind the glass of their speedo, and do they all fog up in wet weather conditions on softail models? Mine as i said, looks like it has a couple of oil stain like marks on the back of the glass and always fogs up in damp conditions.

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    16 years ago

    don't have anything like oil marks, but gertainly get slight moisture which results in some fogging

  • shfunky
    16 years ago

    Hey Peter, yeah apparently it is common, my 07 Streetbob does the same, told the dealer and they have ordered another one for me under warranty, is your bike still covered by warranty?? I just had to tell them the km's and they get it dialed in by HD I think, trouble is I have done nearly 2000k's since then, I don't care though



  • Peter
    16 years ago

    Hi shfunky,yeah I ordered one under warranty 18 months ago and it still hasn't arrived.Since then I have run into a few people with the same problem. I think H.D. just hope you will either sell the bike before the warranty is up or just forget about it . Seems to be pretty common, so I thought I would try and find out how many others are out there with the same problem??

  • kensim
    16 years ago
    yea mines the same the speedo and tacho are both effected ,and your paying good dollar its not good enough
  • Bli Bli Bandit
    Bli Bli Bandit
    16 years ago

    Mine does it and I overheard the local harley dealer telling a customer that the newer bikes have a vented speedo so if moisture gets in it can get out.

    If it wasn't vented then it wouldn't get in to have to get out, go figure.

    Could well have been just dealership bullshit too or another way of saying that they have no fu%king idea why it happens.

  • Peter
    16 years ago

    I wouldn't worry too much if it was just the fogging, but even when there is no fogging there is still an oil like stain,it is not always visible but when the light hits it from the right direction you can see it clearly. I have seen the fogging on a few bikes(older and new) so it has been happening for a long time I think.You would have thought H.D. could sort it out ? It's not rocket science. But then they can't stop my back brakes from squeeling either,why would you own any other bike

  • GREG
    16 years ago
    Yep mine too, both fogging around the edge and an oil like stain. Really noticable today with very high humidity.
    16 years ago

    My 2008 Sporty has an oily type stain behind the speedo glass more noticeable on some days than others.

    Im not that stressed about it at the moment as i dont want the dealer to stuff around changing my speedo.


  • Peter
    16 years ago

    Yeah Risky, that was exactly my thinking, seeing as just about every time I have taken my bike to the dealer they %#ck  something up. Last time I put it in for a service they used a rattle gun on the dipstick for the gearbox ???? that %ucked it.They did replace the dipstick but denied everything, what was the mechanic thinking. At least I know they changed the oil because he used the same rattle gun on the drain plug,not as much damage to that.

  • kensim
    16 years ago
    ias i said both of mine are effected,went to dealer today they said harley will replace both,they also said i could have one without ks on it but would write the true ks when changed under the speedo or they can order one from harley with the correct ks set into it.
  • Hogfather
    16 years ago
    Has been a common complaint for years, my 96 king has always done it.
  • Peter
    16 years ago

    Hey Greg,when you say you have both of the broblems I described ,do you mean there is still a visable oil type stain which is there after the fogging dissapears. Mine could be best described as numerous oil type rings. I also see an oil type mark when it fogs up but that is not concerning me as it dissapears when the fogging goes?? Anyone else experience the same thing??

  • Peter
    16 years ago

    Hey Greg,when you say you have both of the broblems I described ,do you mean there is still a visable oil type stain which is there after the fogging dissapears. Mine could be best described as numerous oil type rings. I also see an oil type mark when it fogs up but that is not concerning me as it dissapears when the fogging goes??

  • GREG
    16 years ago
    It is always there but only in the right type of light. From some angles you cant see it but change angles and its there. Only faint and does not anoy me......much. The fogging is mainly when the humidity is high (friggin always up here at the moment) of just after i have washed the bike.

    I was thinking the oil rings may be some sort of residue or presertive from the speedo face??????
  • gsh
    16 years ago

    My two previous softail speedos fogged up in cold mornings. My new one hasn't as yet (only two months old), not been cold enough. When the sun hit it at a right angle it used to have a rainbow effect when dry, perhaps this is the oil. They all fog up down this way (Tassie) due to the weather so we don't worry about it.