Thanks Scotty for the link
I had a look and had a play with the HEAVILY RESTRICED free demo and spent the $50US.
Had another play with some old data runs and desided I needed newer runs with my current map.
Did a few runs concetrating on throttle percentage not roll ons. So 2nd gear, 15kph, open and hold still 2.5 percent throttle until a steady speed is reached then roll off. Repeat for 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100 percent openings (this gets to be more fun as you go) slowing down to about 15kph with a quick rolloff and snap open to the next pecentage each time. Repeat the hole thing again in 3rd, and again in 4th except I did chichen out in the name of licence preservation at 140 kph in 4th.
This was done with my current and well played with map and running the MyTune program showed no knocking at all and even a few rich cells so I got real brave and wrote a new map using 13.5 AFR everwhere except closed loop cells which I left at 14.6 with the bias tables at the original defaults for this map (176AE104). The MyTune instructions say 14.6 for all cells but I only got 13.5 brave to start with and the results using above method and few roll ons as well.
Lots of rolloff thunder and doughy feel. MyTune found some minor knock in the rear only and some lean in 22 cells front and 21 cells rear, only 2 of those in the closed loop area.
What I did next.
Load all runs from current map and let MyTune create new VE tables, biggest change 9%, total 10 cells front and 11 cells rear changed, load this into the bike and just go for a ride. Didn't seem any different until I started doing roll ons off round abouts, WOW, I had not noticed a issue untill it was gone. Cool
What I Should have done (and will after any engine mod)
Set AFRs to 13.5, let MyTune help make new VE and spark tables and do it again with 14.0 AFR, and then do it all a third time with 14.6 AFRs and then restore AFRs to good performance settings and do the the hole test again and maybe some more map rewriting and redo tests after ever change and may be I'll get bored and never finnish it all fully, who knows