Any interested hard core riders wanna do a wheat belt run incorporating some of the south west depending on weather conditions.......Run to include Hyden, Kondinin etc. Stay O/night in one of these places......
Oh, and it may rain, be cold and there may be a few bugs around!!!!!
Date: mid June 20/21 but subject to change depending on who screams the loudest........
A tentative yes from me BT.
yeah why not, should be in Perth about that time
Just did that run today with the family (in a 4WD)
the roads are in excellent condition and would make a great ride.
would enjoy doing it on the scoot.
hopefully my roster will work out.
Wheat Belt Run.........
Seeing that there is keen interest, here's the erstwhile route planner........
What's happened to the binmen then???????? Beeza and co.???? tooo much like riding hey!!!...... they get lost beyond thier driveway
Wheat Belt Run....Taking in various wheat belt towns
June 20 and 21st
AKA: Tassy Devil, Stix etc
Wot for????
Got a few crew down here keen to come for a ride
told em its called the.... Hardarse Hyden ride...
Pub number is 98805052
They'll do a good deal on rooms if theres a few booked..
Hi Trinket.......
Hard Arse Hyden Run hey....MMMMM!!... more like a fast little blatt in the country seeing that there will be a few coming from your way we may need to look at a few meet points, like all meet up in a central location....Collie is a good one.....A lot depends on who is actualy going to go and where they are coming from....This also has a bearing on the accomodation....will havta to check how many rooms the pub has vacant...
We can post up times and depart points etc in the next coupla days.....
woohooo....i'll distract the farmers sons and you fellas can play hide the house.....
I hope its
then all the pritty boys will stay home...
FFS!!!!!.......WTF!!!!!........Bloody Hyden is in the middle of no-where, pretty boys.......sowing seed what next????? as long as the pub has got plenty of grog and somewhere to crash.......
Pub callin me back tomorrow with a quote for a few rooms...they do a good deal so will post it tomorrow after i hear from em..if ya dont want to share then maybe call em yaself....
Farkin Hell Stix ya could have kept her in the dark so no 1 could take a pic of her.
But then she may be the beuty queen from Tassie!!!!!!!!!!
Bezza your a bad , bad boy, but fark it's funny............................................................
PigironBob reminds himself not to piss off Beeza...................................................
They got back to me..
$100 per room.. 3 beds each room
up to 15crew they happy with renting 3 rooms
anymore and they want us to get 4 rooms..