Online: paulybronco, B0nes, Hilly

Wheat Belt Run

  • johno1
    15 years ago
    just got back from a round trip.........perth... arthur river... collie.... perth................jeez i have never seen so much rain.

    thanks for the message piggy about the boys lack of tyre tread and not being able to get to made the decision to head back home easy...........I think I will become a fair weather rider from now on

  • PigironBob
    15 years ago

    No worries Johno.

    I am glad I have good wet weather gear. It bucketed down on our way out of Collie, fuckin rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A few pics of the bikes parked up at the pub in Collie.





  • andij
    15 years ago
    how was akas weather reportin ,i thought u guys had fine weather up there ,little drizzle with a tail wind ,all the way to hyden .wats the difference between a soft cock and a dry cock ????
  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    Gotta thank and admire Stix, Jam, Piggy, Trinket & friend and Johno for making the effort to go for a ride regardless of the weather, it's that spirit and determination that makes riding what it is......GREAT....

    As for all the fence sitting pontificating wannabes Ya missed a good ride and wet experience......We didn't  quite get to Hyden but hey!!!! who cares.......

    What threw a major spanner in the works for me was my rear tyre decided to self destruct, at Pinjarra it looked a bit suss but when we got to Collie the canvas was well and truly showing....

    Thanks to Piggy for tailing me home...

    The only Pic for the trip is of me stuffed tyre

    This Metzler 880 has 4650kms on it.....go figure!!!!




  • PigironBob
    15 years ago

    Well had a much more pleasant ride today - Jarrahdale, Nth Bannister, Pingerley, Borookton, Beverley, Westdale rd, Brookton hwy and home, round trip about 400 km.

    Of to Bunbury in the morning to get the the Big Black Granny Glide her first service

  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    Ho, if I was to spend more time riding with the speed demons there would be no prob with tyre wear at tyre would last a year or two......

    This coming from an ex demon who is now being pampered by Asians.....whilst ya bike is rusting in someones garrage......

    They seem to like playing mechanics in the shed and having late night din-din parties.....F....WHY....OH....will make sure that there will be plenty of material for the chief demon to practice on in the future.....they go for a ride around the block and spend 3 months fixing it

    And if ya look at me tyre closely the wear is close to the edge as well mate.......


  • johno1
    15 years ago

    well after that damp weekend ride that didn't quite eventuate, we never got to get to a pub for a night of piss drinking and lets get the next thread started.......................

  • Mainey88
    15 years ago

    Posted By Bobtail on 21 Jun 2009 12:35 PM

    As for all the fence sitting pontificating wannabes Ya missed a good ride and wet experience......We didn't  quite get to Hyden but hey!!!! who cares.......


    Me and a mate rode to Hyden, but alas no-one there   had a good time holding up the bar till the wee hours with cookie the bar manager then swagged it under the pub verandah, bloody cold trip home today. Put the bush mechanics skills to test when a shockie bolt broke off the top RHS, farking all over the place till I realised what was goin on.

  • Mainey88
    15 years ago

    Posted By Bobtail on 21 Jun 2009 12:35 PM

    Gotta thank and admire Stix, Jam, Piggy, Trinket & friend and Johno for making the effort to go for a ride regardless of the weather, it's that spirit and determination that makes riding what it is......GREAT....

    As for all the fence sitting pontificating wannabes Ya missed a good ride and wet experience......We didn't  quite get to Hyden but hey!!!! who cares.......


    Dont worry BT we got wet, me and a mate rode to Hyden but alas no-one there  had a good time though holding up the bar with cookie the bar manager till late, swagged it under the pub verandah while it was pissing down, farkin cold this morning. Still was a great ride, clocked up around 800klms.

    Had to put the bush mechanics skills to test on the way home as the RHS top shockie bolt broke off.................


  • Jam
    15 years ago

    Too much talk and not enough action you blokes....... the ride and rain seemed a small obsticle to some of us!

    We were drinkin Johnno

    Bald tyres? 

    Tasmanian So Go Get Fugged

    What rain?

    To the rest of ya........


  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    Mainey, good onya mate, sorry we didn't get there.......Stix and Jam kudos to yas......


  • kingchops
    15 years ago
    A couple of people have emailed me that this thread is not showing properly but it works fine for me?

    Don't forget that if photos aren't displaying sometimes it could be a photobucket or photohosting issue, usually temporary.

  • andij
    15 years ago
    theres a familar broom in the corner of the mumby pub behind stix ,who rode that home ...was there a female there ..