Wheat Belt Run

  • weasel
    15 years ago

    Looks like you blokes all in one bed again

  • PigironBob
    15 years ago

    Now thats a plan Bobby, good onya

  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    If the riding is as fast and furious as the posts it should be a good one.....


  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    Mr Beezasterous!! are you making noises along the lines of actualy coming on a ride with this mob??? or is it just a tease on the keyboard

    As for the GnomeDome!!.....This is what is expected these days....pour on petrol, light it and then bugger of....I have taken note of the PROBABLY bit....


  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    Great looking ride there Jam........You'll get a good opportunity to show it of on the Wheatbelt Run.......

    Beeza, you are certainly becoming a repeat post whore..Just dont get like the HO and Hoggy show....All ya gotta do now is ride occasionally and polish it less...

  • andij
    15 years ago
    could be there just gettin over surgery now dont tell em country girls ive had a penile extentson ,ive had nearly 2 months off the hog fairly keen i am ,beeza theres the lumber jacks daughter waitin for ya ,you should hear her ring barkin ,,,,,
  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    Bloody hell.......Andi and Beeza posting more than once a month here......must be global warming or something.......

    Seems that the Gnomes sore right wrist is keeping him busy practicing with his left one, abely assisted by none other than Find Your Own mechanic.....


  • andij
    15 years ago
    not wozzas wife again
  • trinket
    15 years ago


    you fellas make me laugh


  • Jam
    15 years ago

    Possum Box is what they call this condition AKA.  Generally histroy tells us that this condition started in Hobart.  It was carried by rats on the convict boats.

    If I see one on the trip I wont stay in a room......... Someone can share it with me and stay warm.  No need for the SWAG then........


  • Jam
    15 years ago

    RT I look like I am your penis in that photo.......... Man you got a nice head on that puppy!  Big as a Toffee Apple

  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    All I wanna know is who the legs belong to??........Few of yas there very close to the centre of the universe


  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    Ahhhhh!!! so the truth comes out...

    LMAO......FFS.....All that FLYFO is worried about is his beloved rooted bike, there's probably not much left of it in fact.......I know that the Gnome is a serious exponent of Ebay and his Dynasour has gained incredible HP recently.....

    There have been rumours too that there are Mexican components in Harleys....so Coronas are not out of place......bet the Chief mechanic won't be having any before he finishes the job though...



  • PigironBob
    15 years ago

    I am still in, after today I know my bike goes in the rain.

  • Mainey88
    15 years ago

    PIB do you want to meet up same as last time BP Beeliar at say 7am for 8am meet at Pinjarra...............................

  • Jam
    15 years ago


  • PigironBob
    15 years ago

    Dear Dazza,

    I will have a word with Bt (aka Sir Knifealot) and see if we can't swing by your place and drink all your Corona so that you have a chance to sober the fuck up as to much consumption is obviously having a detrimental effect on your priorities.


    Take care

    From the Old Codger on the Granny Glide.

  • trinket
    15 years ago

    hey you bunch of shed dwelling soft cock granny grindin BOYS......

    I'm in for saturday... got a coupla mates coming but they workin til mid day so times are a bit out for me but if ya still meeting 9.30 caltex collie then i'll come and smile nice at ya.. .. or meet in Hyden...let me know  


  • trinket
    15 years ago

    catchin up with copbait at the Williams pub between 1 and 1.30...

  • Bobtail
    15 years ago

    Stix,The last time I went through Narrogin I got tailed by the cops. Darkan - Arthur river etc could be the go......If there is no-one from the South going to be at Collie there's not much point in us going there.....partic via the SW Hwy etc......

    Trinket/copbait...we may catch up with ya's somewhere along the track......or cya at the Hyden pub.....

