Online: Hilly, softfat, Ultramick

January/February BOTF WINNERS!

  • kingchops
    17 years ago

    Holy crap, what do we have here...a draw!

    Well done guys, I must say that the turn out for the January/February edition of the BOTF was very impressive and once again two deserving winners.

    Well done Dazza and Stix!.

    You will both each receive the winners prize and entry into the BOTF Legends Gallery!

    Winner 1: Dazza's '86 Wideglide



    Winner 2: Stix's '07 Streetbob


  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    congrats guys..... had the pleasure of seeing Stix's bike last night as he joined us on the coffee (cough cough) run

    always hard to please Victorians

    great to see joint winners are from WA


  • Daggs
    17 years ago
    well done dudes, both top bikes
    17 years ago

    Well done fellas nice bikes,they were all nice,as were the time before ,if its got 2 wheels its gotta be good everyone changes things puts mods on etc to suit there own taste ,dose,nt mean everyone is gonna  like it but as long as your happy with your ride thats all that counts


  • czarek
    17 years ago

    Congrats to both of you gents.

    Great bikes.

    I had a pleasure to see Stix's bike yesterday in Hilarys. Great looking bike, rides well to

  • Finny
    17 years ago

    Well done fellas..........

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago


    being in the most isolated city in the world, if we cannot take the piss out on each other and laugh it off then we shouldn't be livin here... in fact I think we have a great bunch of characters here and the Northcliffe weekend is testiment

    truth be known Dazza.... it was the Street Bob that had me, black was my other colour preference too.... If I owned a sporty do you think i'd take the piss out on them  or vote for anything but (need to discuss with kc a new voting technique where everyone gets two votes, will explain why later)

  • kingchops
    17 years ago

    Dazza & Stix,

    The BOTF winners prize it's on it's way to you.  After a little pondering I decided to award you both some fine product from the good old SA Sportster wine country. 

    I've probably ridden my Sportster past the very bottling plant that this fine product came from.


  • Bli Bli Bandit
    Bli Bli Bandit
    17 years ago

    Congrats u2, stoked to see that it wasn't a Softail that won.

  • kingchops
    16 years ago
    Yes, I'd say so wozza. This had crossed my mind. The timing is about right as we'd want a couple of weeks for voting then a month for the new winner. I'll set it up.