Tips for safe riding

  • flstc08
    9 years ago


    here is another link, a bit old, but still valid.



  • Truckie
    9 years ago
    Always remember boys. Never ride faster than your Angels
  • wozza fatboy
    wozza fatboy
    9 years ago
    Polish your bike after a ride, you will find out if any thing is broken. loose or about to break. Stay a little fit, a few exercises might give you better reflexes. Don't trust anyone on the road, its no point saying I was right after they hit you. Be in the right gear to accelerate out of trouble. makes lots of noise as well, fun. Cars entering onto your road, check there wheels, can't see through tinted windows. Do a rider coarse, guaranteed to teach an old dog new tricks. Get up in the hills and practice your corners. Before the corner, get in the right gear, get your position right on road, eg. right corner approaching, move to the left, down change into gear that you can accelerate out of corner in. Front and rear brake leading up to corner, look for apex, release front brake, trail rear if you want or not. When you can see through corner to the exit, you can accelerate out of the corner. Pin it if you want, make some fucking noise, stops wild life going onto road. Slow down in the straights, look for the next corner, check road conditions, is there camber, are there patches of wet road, are my tyres good in the wet, Dunlops are pretty slippery. What about shifting our body weight when we corner, Mick Doohan style. Bang your side steps down on the road, they just don't give anymore turn in on a corner, however shift your weight off the bike, your can straighten it more through the corner. really good on wet roads. Harley's are the best to learn to road faster on.
  • Soapbox2627
    9 years ago
    Dont stop to close to a wall in a drive through bottlo in WA
  • ghostwolf59
    8 years ago

    Haven't seen the most obvious one - LOUD PIPES SAVES LIVES - get rid of these newer stock pipes guys! wink

    Putting some more thoughts into this what about the bright iluminated orange/yellow west - Your clearly visible - question is would I ware it - simple (and srictly personal) answer is NO! - No need to go into why

    But since this thread emphasise on safety - brightly coated clothes clearly would be an option for the ones prepared to ware them

    I think the inherit danger that comes with balancing on two wheels in traffic is a choice each of us need to make - if we are looking at 100% safety then why not polling for dedicated roads, use of bus lanes when no busses are to find, Use of foot paths or alternative routes (like bicycles seem to be doing) - remove us from traffic and it would be safer - On a more serious note this is exactly what some wants - remove the ability to ride motor bikes - hiding behind safety and outlaw gang arguments

    If you factor in the inherit danger of running into a moose or raindear etc - well, bright orange wests, helmets, 100% alertness etc etc would do nothing at the end

    Don't flame me too much over this please :) writing this with a bit of smile on my face after all :)

    Take it easy all of you out there and watch out for drivers using mobile devices - They are wreally, wreally dangerous - The number of bikers discussing GPS, mobile phone holders etc etc is not helping either


  • fatbat
    8 years ago
    James you need to take your medicine haha
  • Spook
    8 years ago
    Fatbat, I think he already has, and took it twice!
  • motorman857
    8 years ago

    If you've ever said,''I had to lay her down'' (very common saying here in the U.S.) What that really means is you panicked because you have no clue how to brake, release the brakes then swerve, or swerve, straighten up, then brake. You can not perform maximum braking when the bike is in a lean. You must first straighten up the bike to perform maximun braking. If you've never practiced this manuever, the chances of you doing it correctly when that car pulls out in front of you, are slim, and none. If you dissagree with the ''I had to lay her down'' excuse, please explain how you can steer with the bike sliding on the ground. Or, if you think the bike stops shorter sliding on the ground tell why tires aren't made out of metal. 

  • Camikaze
    8 years ago
    Couple of things that have caught my attention of late -

    Can I mention i have a hatred for P-Platers?? Avoid those fuckers like the plague...

    Had a red plater tailgate me through Raymond Terrace about 6 months ago - would have been 2 metres off my tyre the whole time (about a k). Watching him in the mirror he was laughing like a dickhead with his crack-whore girlfriend. Was lucky enough to come up to the lights. dropped the sidestand, got off and approached his window. Was only going to 'politely' point out the error/danger in his behaviour (LOL...) Needless to say, the gutless little shit reversed, swerved around me and the bike and crossed the intersection on a red light. Brainless fuck.

    Watch out for the 'wet-road warriors'. The fuckhead P-platers that try and get their piece of shit commofalcoskyline sideways at every corner when the roads are wet. Had the young bloke on the back the other day and was nearly swiped by a shitbox hilux tray top with red ps on it. woulda cut me in half.. Funny thing was, I was stationary at an intersection. Scared the shit out of my young bloke poor fella...

    Be wary of fuckwit P-platers in general. They think 3 minutes of driving experience and they are Craig Lowndes. In and out of traffic like an idiot, They won't let you pass them as their pathetic ego thinks they are faster than you so anything is a race, they'll do any retarded thing to impress the bit of fluff sitting next to them, Combine pingers and testosterone and they'll try to kill you for flipping them the bird. Facebook/texting are more important than anything else. Yes, I can't stand P-Platers. stereo-typing? you betcha. I'm know there are good ones out there, I must just attract the morons...

    Put the cunts on a moped for 2 years mandatory. Then they'll maybe understand how exposed/vulnerable people on bikes are.


    On a side note: used to argue with my little brother all the time regarding safety gear. For me leather jacket, jeans and gloves regardless of the trip. I learned the hard way 17 years ago... For him, suns out, guns out. Singlet, boardies and a $1000 Rossi helmet?? LOL dickhead. I call them squids. Recently, he overcooked a roundabout on his shiny new ZX10. Not much more than 60km/h but lost a lot of bark. Looked like a leper all scabbed up and bruised. Laughed my fucking arse off! He's fine though, Im not that much of an arsehole...

    Id rather sweat than bleed.

