Online: Wanderer57

Tips for safe riding

    12 years ago
    If you see a comodore/falcodore (these can be identified by mag wheels spoilers other silly crap and a bogan at the wheel)

    always assume the driver is an idiot and will do something really stupid and likely dangerous to someone at any moment.

    nothing against bogans or their vehicles just an observation from 2hrs a day commuting.
  • the_mongrel
    12 years ago
    Amen to that Madoga!!

    OH.. and let's add those your women with the BITCH in fluro across the windscreen of their bling up Hyudais and ford lasers!!
    12 years ago
    When riding at 110+ never wave your hand to anyone you know or to tell anyone to slow down from cops in the front you may experience flying off the bike. Just learnt the other day. lol
  • Wimbo
    12 years ago
    I have no problems with Commodore or Falcon drivers.
    My two main problems on the Road are Golf and Honda Drivers, also, will never let a Four Wheel drive in Front of me.
  • GeeBee
    12 years ago
    keep an eye out for drivers in cars with AVIS. HERTZ, rental car stickers on the rear window
    They are only visiting , they are unfamiliar with the car and most likely looking at the scenery or for that tourist attraction rather than the road
    Especially dangerous on the Great Ocean Road !
  • the_mongrel
    12 years ago

    I know from first hand experience! Had my Vstart 650 in for new tyres. Pulled out and then 100m to the first roundabout - which was a bit clenching moment - let me tell ya.

    The arse stepped out badly!! Now I take my time until the rubber gets a few ks on it. :)
  • Maxi
    12 years ago

    Never trust a car's indicator...Car indicating means a random manouver is about to occur.

  • adadrian
    12 years ago
    i've never crashed, and my rule of thumb is dont trust anyone keep a bubble around u at all times and never let anyone near you no matter how fast or slow u must go
  • BillS
    12 years ago
    Sorry if I'm repeating someone else's tips. The following are a couple I use.

    When you're in heavy traffic, coming up behind someone, nearing a busy corner, about to overtake, worried the cage behind you hasn't noticed you etc, swerve the bike from side to side like a snake so people can see you. It's a proven concept that moving off your line will improve your visability. To prove the point have a look at this website;

    This video is a good one as well, drivers are pre-programmed to only see the "normal" things and not bikes.

    Another tip if you ride a lot in hevay traffic and you have big mirrors is to stick a small concave mirror in the corner of your existing mirror so you can see right along the side of your bike. They can come in handy but get the smallest ones you can buy [usually around $4] and they take a bit to get use too.
  • careyman
    12 years ago
    I dont go between cars at a roundabout they almost always shift into the other lane
  • Maxiboy
    12 years ago
    Well, after reading all these tips I now find that I'm just too scared to ride's too fucking dangerous out there! Ha ha ha
    12 years ago
    oops thank god i swapped my blackline for v8 ute lol
  • Bonkerz
    12 years ago
    99% of the V8s on the road these days sound like absolute shit wonder they're all cranking up the tunes.
  • carwelder
    11 years ago

    Thinking it would have been cheaper and better to buy a sidecar

  • Spartan_Wolf
    11 years ago

     Any tips on spotting/predicting potholes. Those things give me the shits as I'm a fairly new rider and I've been caught off guard and hit the odd one. Its mainly hardest for me to spot them when riding on a sunndy day with shadows all across the road from trees ect. makes it tricky to distinguish the shadows from the holes? also any advice on what to do if you hit one, I've managed to avoid some absolute craters, thank God.

  • adadrian
    11 years ago
    dont lane split between trucks :P
  • ch3r
    11 years ago
    don't pass another bike in the same lane and less they are aware you are about to do it....f##k I hate that when riding it a group that includes boyracers which seem to do it heaps...have they not thought that I may need to swerve for a pothole etc..lots of them out our way on these country roads after all this rain,,,,and yes I do look in mirror heaps but sometimes they just appear what seems like out of nowhere
  • tits
    11 years ago


  • geoff85
    11 years ago