If they cant see you let them hear you ........Loud Pipes
Here's a tip: Don't sit one metre off my cars arse when we're doing 110kph in the mornings peak hour traffic. Traffic was chockers across three lanes but we're all doing 100/115 kph en masse.
This morning there's this f*ckin' sports bike rider up my arse, Mr Casual with one hand on throttle & one hand on his knee at 110kph on the M1 weaving to and fro from me left brake light and back to me right trying to get a look ahead. He stayed there for ages and when he eventually passes I check him out: full face helmet, leather jacket with 'Monster energy' drink symbols and ..... cotton shorts and boat shoes no socks.
He's to-ing & fro-ing across the three lanes like itza 'Super Mario' game and he sits maybe one metre off everyones arse. Trust me, he's not long for this life. Whatta dick.
Dont think because you have made eye contact with a driver that they will do the rite thing.I found out the hard way with my girl on board that they don't.do not trust anybody but yourself.
Yeah finished up safe after a very close call.
With new tyres, ride like it is pissing down for the first 100 - 200 kms, you have to wear them in.
ex wives n girlfriends all said damb your arse is hard lol i told em i had calleses from the saddle still workin out if i rode bikes more or the mullets close to a tie me thinks
in the early 80s road to glen innes fuckin cold hole of a place the beer was colder sittin in a glass on the bar than in the tap lol went outside an this old fella is in his sadlebags an put socks on his hands had gaffa tape around his neck an a beanie with the top cut outta it an his legs n feet were wrapped in garbage bags lol i said you want to borrow my waterproof pants ol mate he said im not one these flash cunts that buy all the shit from the factory but then he said and this has always stuck in my head YA DONT HAVE TO LOOK COOL TO BE WARM great comment that one wish some clowns that own half the harley dress shops would live by that sayin lol they would save thousands lol
TITS! that's what i say TITS.
T:- Tyres, check tyres are up.
I:- Instruments, Check they work.
T:- Temperature, Make sure ya not to hot or cold, correct riding gear.
S:- State of mind. Never go riding when your pissed off or road rage is inevitable.
Remember to always think of TITS when you go riding and you will have more fun! I do.
Look for dark patches on the highway and be ready for the bump just before it
Yeah, as the above post infers, I always look left and right before entering an intersection, even if it has lights, and especially when taking off as they turn green.
Don't daydream.....anywhere, anytime.
Cornering. As has been said many times before, do all your braking before you get there.
However, I guess like many riders, once and a while you find yourself a bit hot into a corner and end up pushing your luck. I've always been mindful that in a corner, the rear brake will pull you tighter, the front brake will stand you up. With this in mind, I think you can brake in a corner if you really have to wash off some speed, but of course you have to be very careful. If you brake hard enough on the front to stop it turning, you'll go down.
Watching those videos referred to in a post way back, you can see the front wheel locks up in some of them and down they go. Mostly there was little choice anyway, they were just too fast in a corner. I hate those ones you encounter on an unfamiliar road, that tighten as you get into them!!
Please note the above comments are my views only, I'm not really that responsible when riding, and I'm no expert....
i dont think any one has mentioned it yet, haha some humer
dont think anyone has mention it yet but dont look at yourself in shop windows while riding past. you may get a scare how dorky you look and run up the arse of a car.
yeah, I've done that.
Here is a CLASSIC example of why you take it easy on new tyres!!!
Seriously - If you think they are feeding you bullshit when they say take it easy on new rubber - maybe this will change your mind.