Tips for safe riding

  • killerchef
    13 years ago
    Apologies if already added .... can be safer to have your headlight off when rising/setting sun is directly behind you. You produce an outliney black blob that can be sort of filled by the shine from your headlight & hence makes you sort of invisible.
  • Ray
    13 years ago
    When entering roudabouts watch the vehicle in front of you and dont asume that they are going to go just because you see a break in the traffic (from experience)
  • Underground
    13 years ago
    If you look down, you go down...that might be fun in an Orgy, but not on the bike.
  • Taffymarsden
    13 years ago

    I just saw there are heaps of them. Ouch.

  • Isaac
    13 years ago


    That's my Satdee stuffed. I just watched all 48 of 'em!


  • 48fan
    13 years ago
    tip for the new riders .
    dont use ur front brake in corners
    use your rear break
    if ya come in a bit hard the rear will pull ya in tighter

    the front will possibly kill ya
  • Isaac
    13 years ago


    I watched 'em all but I can't remember if any stacks included big Cruisers? Nup, pretty sure all were Power Rangers (and the odd scooter Pilot)!


    13 years ago
    my tip is dont fall off it hurts for a long long time
  • terroristone
    13 years ago
    Here is something to keep in mind, just because you have parked and your off the bike dosnt mean you are safe, i was off my bike and taking my helmet off when i noticed a car had run off the road and was coming right for me and my bike, she ended up missing me by a metre.
    Regards Andrew - T1
    13 years ago
    never ride bent i learnt yrs ago lol had a 49 frame with 56pan in it was pretty smashed an had the munchies heade to maccas at penrith pulled in the drive an then found a park pulled up got off the bike an heard a great smash behind me ..mmmm bike was on its side beiin so wrecked i forgot the side stand

    another time was headin to penrith after ridein around kellyville ect down to parra then up the great western hwy (this was before the f4 was built ) went past the village gran prix track an pulled up at the lights at st marys while i was slowin down seen the filth so i was abit pissy and thought id better act cool n sober so i wheeled up beside em an looked at them threw the window of their car an all of a sudden i went over on the left hand side mmm wasnt that cool layin there with bike onto me leg lol cops just laughed an fucked off so was pretty lucky so dont drink n ride get maggot eyed an stay where ya are lol

  • Lost
    13 years ago
    If you have been riding in the cold for a while at any sort of decent speed (over 80kph) and are coming into town , stand up on the pegs a few times or get your feet off the pegs and strech the knees out a couple of times. I have dropped my old XT500 at Mittagong after riding up the Kangaroo Valley in August. The first set of lights I stopped at , I couldnt get my leg to unlock so I could put my foot on the ground, so over I went. I had to finish to the trip to Sydney with no clutch lever which is no fun when you are only 5ft 5' ! Glad I learned the postie hop when i was riding push bikes :-)
  • 48fan
    13 years ago

    Uf you are angry DONT Take it out on your bike

    13 years ago
    power slide lol
  • Rxes
    13 years ago

    Last comment/s are a BIT off topic, front brake is used in straight up braking. Feathering your brakes will prevent lock ups. And as 48Fan said 

    Posted By 48fan on 20 Dec 2011 6:19 PM
    tip for the new riders . 
    dont use ur front brake in corners 
    use your rear break 
    if ya come in a bit hard the rear will pull ya in tighter 

    the front will possibly kill ya

    And keep a eye on the road surface, oil, wet and gravel will make it slippery which WILL effect your grip.

    13 years ago
    keep ya bike under lock n key espessially when ya missus finds out ya been fuckin her sista
  • Lost
    13 years ago
    Ol Skool- that only applies if you get caught - moral - dont get caught.

    As an old boss used to tell us ' the only good wife is some one else's - no maintenance fees and you can be pretty sure they wont talk'
    13 years ago

    You have to use both, front has more stopping power, but
    If ya dont use your back it will over take your front in heavy breaking, if ya not
    going in a straight line

    Theres situation for different combinations that ya should already know

    for different road condition, which will only come with pactice

    Not chat !
    I reckon everyone should learn how to ride on the dirt !
    This fuken amazes me people riding big cc bikes that dont
    know how to ride properly or just have doubts, because
    When the shit hits the fan you will be toast !
    Its good asking and talking about it, but its no good if ya
    Cannot do it !
    Buy a dirt bike and hit the trails best way to learn !

    Good example 2 weeks ago a scooter rider that finally

    Got there fulls bought a 48 and come for a ride with us,

    One of the stops for the day was down a gravel road

    So much for useing ya front brakes, bike and them learnt

    The hard way.

  • Taffymarsden
    13 years ago

     The HART advanced riding course is always worth a refresher and is big on braking.  I remember the demo we were given showing the advantages of simultaneous front and back braking including during the demo saying about the instructor who did the demo:

    "Note that this demo is on a good road surface, with good tyres, proper tyre preasures, dry weather, with an expert rider PLUS he knew in advance that he had to stop. In fact, he knew last night that he had to stop here. You may not have any of those advantages when you need this technique."


    13 years ago
    the difference between a wife an girlfriend is 30 mins
    13 years ago
    another tip for riding is BEWARE OF FEMALE CAGE DRIVERS ..THEY ALL THINK THIS I---------------------I IS EIGHT INCHES