Tips for safe riding

  • brickmark
    13 years ago
    Some great tips for newbies cheers guys.
  • Lost
    13 years ago

    Ok, my 2 cents worth .

    1. If you see a stopped car, keep an eye on the wheels. The wheels will show movement long before the car itself looks like it is moving.
    2. Never, ever travel in a lane next to tip truck and trailer. Those drivers are worse than bimbos in 4WDs! They dont look, they just move, basically they drive by intimidation.
    3. If you wear Dayglo gear and think your safe you are having your self on. A loud bike, black helmet and gear = scare the crap out of tin top drivers= they dont want to be near you = they will let you go past or watch where you are.
    4. If you stay in a lane behind another vehicle, wander around in the lane a bit. Dont just weave, but go from centre to left side, back to centre, back to left, then go right side, then left, then centre. Basically, just randomly move around. This way you are constantly changing the rear view image and the tin top driver cant tune you out . Its part of the human 'flight or fight' instinct. Basically  the brain thinks that if something is moving you have to monitor it  to see if it is about to attack you. But if something does not change then you can use that brain power on monitoring something else.
  • Lost
    13 years ago

    Smeem, yeah, #4 is more about freeway/highway running where you're already doing the limit +10 thing, or where the car is one you dont want behind you because their speed is so erratic that you could fairly expect to be run over on a down hill run or be overtaking them every 5 minutes.

    As I only cruise and often use back roads to stay off freeways, or cruise the left lane at 100kph, the wander around thing is just to remind any one in front I am still there. If you do it about every couple of minutes it stops them from getting fixated on just what is front of them.

  • Black Mamba
    Black Mamba
    13 years ago

    I haven't been riding long, but his advise can help your everyday life as well as your riding life.


    Grow a beard.

  • Harvey Mushman
    Harvey Mushman
    13 years ago

    NEVER under-estimate the stupidity of a cocksucker on a mobile phone.You can eyeball them,and moments later they will run you off the road.Adelaide has some bad enough drivers as it is,(no racist comments here) let alone being on the phone as well.Sorry to sounds harsh,but it has happened to me on numerous occasions,and has nearly killed friends on numerous occasions.Makes my blood boil every time.

  • Harvey Mushman
    Harvey Mushman
    13 years ago

    Have a look at the rest of the posts made by the clown.They are all along the lines of the same stupidity........

  • Black Mamba
    Black Mamba
    13 years ago

    Ok, I was somwhat joking with my "grow a beard" comment, but it turns out its kinda true.

    I came off over the weekend in an open face helmet, and while my chin didn't cop the full force impact it did make contact, and I think having a beard actaully saved my chin from getting to scrapped up. Got a few grazes under there, but not to bad!

    Or you could wear a full face

  • 48fan
    13 years ago

    If you use indicaters make sure you turn em off



    some great tips thanks guys  ,some I knew some I didnt .

    oh yeah always put on a skid lid

    I had the back of one gouged out when I came off a z1000 years ago ,glad it wasnt my skull ,would have left my tiny brain on the road for sure

  • samcro
    13 years ago
    i basicly treat most round-a-bouts as stop signs cos cars just look right through me,

    also on Wednesday this week, making a RHT and a T interestion (single lane rd), at the same time as a driver was also making a RHT from the opposite side of the rd, I hung back and gave way, luckily because the clown behind him swung up his left and would have T Boned me,

    so yea watch for drivers who swing up the left side of cars making a RHT , could save ya life or bike... ;)
  • 48fan
    13 years ago
    yeah mate the white shit is a bit slippery
  • ShredMaster
    13 years ago

    Some really nice tips and thoughts here.


    My 2c worth:

    • if you can't see in front of the vehicle you are following, change lanes or go around them otherwise you won't know whats coming up until the clown slams their brakes on (4WD's tend to just brake-to-stop suddenly)
    • when driving in 2 lane traffic, be visible to cars in BOTH lanes.  If in the right lane, drive to the left of the lane to be seen in the left lane's sideview mirrors and vice versa.  Naturally, riding all over you lane and avoiding blind spots in the other lane and all that but you just can't help when some idiot decides to change lanes, brake and indicate at the same time without checking their mirrors or blind spot.
    • Never ride beside trucks or busses, they think they are in a monster truck and can trample all over the place.
    • Avoid driving through or stopping at lights in the center of the lane, thats where all the engines drip their oil and crap,  stop or drive in one of the wheel tracks (left or right).
    • SLOW DOWN IN THE RAIN!!  Especially if it hasn't rained for a while, all the crap in the road will rise to the surface and float there eagerly waiting to attach itself to unsuspecting rear tyres.  After a day or so of decent rain the crap has mostly washed off but still TAKE IT SLOWLY!!

    And the most important tip which keeps coming up:   think like they are all out to get you!!  It will cause you to stay aware at all times.


  • cheeso
    13 years ago
    My old man used to say that a car license shouldn't be handed out - unless you'd been riding a bike for at least a year.
    It'd prevent a shitload of least once they got in the car anyway.
  • 48fan
    13 years ago
    careful coasting up to the lights coz at the last second some fuck wants to be one car space closer to the front and will change lanes at lightning speed often with no or very little indication ...especially P platers
    13 years ago
    Immediatly after a head on collision with a late model nissian pray to god you will stick your landing perfect as the next cars front bumper is just as hard as the first.
  • Flak88
    13 years ago
    Never follow a tradie`s ute especially on Friday arvo. They just chuck it all in to finish early to get to the bottlo. Check how many buckets are on the side of the roads.
  • 48fan
    13 years ago
    the creepers really shit me
  • 48fan
    13 years ago
    yeah I always give the rear lights a tap when pulling up /pulled up and when cars are behind me in general ,they teach that stuff at defensive riders courses :)
  • Rxes
    13 years ago

     G'day all, read the tips, hints and comments, all good stuff. Alot of it is C.D.F. (common dog fuck ((common sense)). The only Two things that I've experienced that I can add is;

    One, thick wool jumper under leather jacket, (felt and moved like the michelin man) and with my old SHOEI winter gloves, too thick could not feel the controls (clutch & brake) properly. The time of the trip might have someting to do with it (15th Aug '11, 5am Warwick to Glenn Innes FUCK"N cold) Dress appropriately and be aware of too much padding.

    Two, lean turning slow and sharply in a car park around steel post and wifey shifts weight to look at something behind her, nearly droped the bike. So the comment "be ready for the unexpected" applies to all ride every ride.

  • camspeed
    13 years ago
    Always leave a decent gap between you and the vehicle in front when you stop. Nearly got reversed over by a semi today after he decided he couldn't quite make that left hand turn at the lights and jammed it in reverse. If I didn't have a good couple of metres gap my bike would have been under his trailer.
  • killerchef
    13 years ago
    Camspeed, wtf you doing sitting behind a semi at a set lights ?