Online: fatbat, Hilly

Tips for safe riding

  • Rick1310
    14 years ago

    Its not how good a rider you are it's the car drivers around you, like today that phone call that every parent doesn't want at 5am from a stranger about your son involved in a accidenht. 2 cars & 1 bike, 1 car went to do a U turn on the great western @ 5am went across 2 lanes into car 2 which went into my sons lane which he went to theother one & know he has a fracturec collier bone & off work for 4 to 6 wks & bike is a right off. But atleast the best thing he only got a fracture & lived to tell the tail. But he is starting to think of what bike he will get next.

    Happy Dad



  • ==ShaDoW==
    14 years ago

    i ride safe but the number of times a car has missed me or not even seen me is to many to count, i lost my left leg above the kneee to one of them so when i tell you i ride defensivly then i mean it i learnt the hard way.

    Good luck if you ride all your life without incident, more power to ya, seems like some people do have a good life and dont have hassles me I seen my fair share of hurt and suffering, so I know its out there and i put money on it most of them didnt deserve it cos of they way they were riding/driving.

    I admit I have done some silly things in my life but you find me someone that says he hasnt and I will call him a f__kin lair.

  • Sprocket
    14 years ago

    Last year I did an advanced rider course. Most of it was things we have been told but slip into bad habits.
    There were a few things that I got from the course.

    One you don't realise your'e not doing is breathe when riding round a corner. A lot of us unknowingly hold are breath when cornering. By breathing out when taking a corner you do not tense up so much. Give it a try and see.

    Another tip was about indicating. The instructors recommended the following sequence for changing lanes.....
    1. indicate (so it flashes three times),
    2. check mirror;
    3. head check;
    4. change lanes if safe.

    In Canberra, it is amazing how many cars have defective break lights. (Give yourself three seconds distance from the car infront and assume their brake lights dont work untill you know for sure.)

    When approaching crests, ride more to the middle of the lane because you don'y know whats over the other side.

  • ==ShaDoW==
    14 years ago
    Thanks FXRfreak, life is good for me good job wife three kids and a dyna some good dogs, and happy times I have no complaints what so ever. thansk for the good will I belive it makes the world go round. :-)
  • IK
    14 years ago
    • When coming into a corner I always make a point of turning my head through the corner the rest seems to take care of itself
    • Keep ya distance
    • Stay where the people in cages can see you
    • As Dirty Harry said......gotta know ya limitations


  • FXRfreak
    14 years ago

    That may be true Mullet, and, I dont know where you live, but, here in NSW it is illegal to go around a roundabout in the outside lane, unless you are going straight ahead or turning left. If you are turning right or doing a U-turn, you have to do it on the inside lane.

  • fusion
    14 years ago

    Always looking at what could be on the road .....gravel oil or any other crap.....never think a car will do the right thing...they love to do u turns in front of bikes.....make sure you are visible to them and they know you are there......

  • Taffymarsden
    14 years ago

     Since my car was tail ended recently I've been about the consequences of this when I'm on the bike so now when I stop in traffic, apart from keeping back from the car ahead of course,  I also stop in the left or right wheel track depending upon the best exit and point the front wheel towards that exit - usually to the left of the car in front unless there's something like a grass verge on the right.

  • SoftailSteve
    14 years ago

     roundabouts are a worry ,to many people do not have any idea how to use them.never assume just because there looking at you there not going to cut you of

  • fastapastor
    14 years ago

    If you come for a ride out in the bush don't ride into the sunset you could hit a roo.Also at night. If you stay the night don't wake up to early to leave as you might hit a roo. Be most careful when coming up to a cutting  as they tend to hang out in front of them. If a roo jumps in front of you don't watch it, look out for the one following it,that won't be looking at you.. If you come out to the Qld Central highlands watch out all the time for Wallaroos, they are big shouldered dark and stupid. Apart from that be alert and enjoy the ride.

  • SoftailSteve
    14 years ago

     a lot of good advice,could just about print a training manual

  • LordViykor
    14 years ago
    Never assume cars have working brake lights, I nearly came to grief the other week when a said numpty without brake lights pulled up.
  • Humbug
    14 years ago

    As has already been mentiond Obey the FEELING, if the feeling comes over you and the bike is still in the shed leave it there. If you are already on the road and the feeling comes over you slow down and be alert. The other night  the feeling also had a voice that was telling me that some diumb cunt was about to try and kill me by turning right in front of me. The very next intersection it happend,

    I have even changed my route when the feeling comes over me.

    And do not forget be alert.............. the world needs more lerts......

  • screwy
    14 years ago
    This will probably sound stupid, but, loud bikes save lives! If they cant see ya they'll hear ya. Long storey short, ride a loud bike and stay out of blind spots. We have all driven cars and know where the blind spots are? Now if we can only convince the blueline that loud is good! Hahahah!
  • WAGlide
    14 years ago
    After my 2 bigges I have a saying that if I don't feel in the groove go home.
  • ivarian
    14 years ago
    Check the brakes and tyres
  • Sparra
    14 years ago

    Be very wary of painted surfaces on the lines,both double and single,painted arrows etc...Especially in the wet as they become very slippery....

    14 years ago

     sorry if I'm repeating...................

    If you see something on the road that you don't want to run over............then don't look at it, look at where you want to go to avoid it!

    Guarantee if you watch'll hit it!!


  • Old Bull
    Old Bull
    13 years ago
    Saw that coming!
    13 years ago

     New what you meant Mate................just takin tha piss!!

