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Got booked

  • kingchops
    16 years ago
    Sounds like a decent cop. Don't forget these are the guys who help clean up the mess when things go horribly wrong on the road so you can't blame them for doing their job. But the fact that he could've got you a lot worse and didn't is good.
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    16 years ago

    so it begs the question..... was the reading on his radar your speed or some other bastard that he had just booked

  • Finny
    16 years ago

    Well Said Uncle

  • kensim
    16 years ago
    that might be the same cop that got me in newy before christmas ,he brought down the speed and asked if i wanted to look at it,it was a blue ford to
  • Bli Bli Bandit
    Bli Bli Bandit
    16 years ago

    Over the weekend about a dozen of us went down from Qld to an AMC Rally near Foster N.S.W, we had the usual heavy police presence from Balina to Port Maquarie, not such a huge problem as there is that many speed camera's and 50kmh zones that you never really get going anyway.

    On the way back to Qld just before Coffs Harbour we started getting flashed by every second car and surprise suprise there was a road side " randon breath test " set up and as the traffic was heavy it must have been just for us as the bastards didn't have another motorist pulled over, where the " random " came into it I have no idea. There was at least 4 highway patrol cars and 5 or more police bikes. To top it off then the detctives showed up in a nissan partol with pipes racks and camping gear on the roof.

    The N.S.W highway patrol are a fucked up unit and someone should tell them that bike pants may look ok on fit push bike riders but they are definatly are not a good look on fat coppers. Who dressed these blokes, bike pants, leather boots and a gastapo hat are just about standard clothing issue at the gay mardi gras. 

    Fistly they did the breath test, no drama's. Then they started on the helmets, checking for the stickers etc. Next they started on the pipes. Last thing to come out was the tape measure and started measuring the handle bars. What the fuck did any of this have to do with road safety except the for breath test. I could mentally see the police commisioner on the tv on monday night sprooking off the stat's from the weekend fundraiser and telling the general public how good they are. This exercise took 10 coppers at least 55 minutes and the total proceeds of the fundraiser was $235.00, a big well done to the N.S.W highway patrol....

    16 years ago

    nsw h/way are the lowest

    on a recent ride from coffs down to newcastle , he was sitting behind us as they do and we were taking up both lanes as we all do ,  it took a while to relise the prick was behind us as he was in a orange cop car , orange? who the fuck drives orange cop cars ?WTF so a couple of us move over and he passes , all the time with lights n whilstles going , one of the guys with us { KNOW NOW AS DECOY } didnt see him 4 probly 5 mins , he then moves to the left lane and this cunt near runs him of the rd to stop him , ok fairenogh he cops a fine and we keep moveing to newcastle after he catches us back up , aparently he wanted the 1 with the huge APES

    but cop this , a few weeks later back in adelaide he get another fine posted to him 4 littering  putting a smoke out while talking to the cunt

    NSW rd patrol = pond scum

     gota admit theres one fine one in coffs who likes a drag on his police bike  im sure he was just testing it out for faults

  • Finny
    16 years ago

    Ok sat was the the 6th annual poker run for the BROS mc melton, 2/250 bikes Great turn out

    Started out from a local pub in melton, Time has come to get into line, As we headed off i notice someone look to the sky

    there was the copper chopper, Leaving the town centre and to the left was a unmarked car (cop was straight on the Beam)

    Heading to the first pub we pull up and what was trying  to hide ( unmarked car) It was with us most of the day, Standing

    out like dogs BALLS,Anyway still there for the other pub calls, Get to the last pub we all pull up grab a drink (light beers for

    most) then comes the T O G S, then the search and rescue truck(full of cops) then cars after cars detectives the meat

    wagon (prison transporter) u name it, It went past except a cop on a bike, Not sure how much this would of cost the Vic

    tax payers but it was uncalled for. Get back to club rooms unmarked didnt follow , Not 1 person got pulled over (cos we

    were GOOD) So i think them showing there presents they thought we would behave, No arrests so we must of.

    Great day in all met some good blokes and chics and had a laugh, beers& bbq oh and got burnt ..........FINNY


  • wildgoose71
    16 years ago

    We had a classic moment in Pinjarra on the weekend - 25 bikes had pulled up on the far side of town because one of our guys had taken a tumble and needed tending to.

    4 carloads of coppers rolled into the rest area and were about to get their gestapo routine started when one of our guys trotted up to them and asked if they could "render some assistance and provide us with a first aid kit."

    The transformation was instant and amazing, they all went from Hanz Fritz to Florence Nightingale in the blink of an eye.

    Our fella had a bad gash to his elbow and the boys in blue tenderly bandaged him up and we all had a good laugh together at the expense of our slightly damaged and very embarrassed brother. The cops then realised we werent any trouble and I politely asked if they could send word to their comrades down the road to leave us be on our ride south.

    We passed through some roadworks near Brunswick Junction and there was a large speed trap - we were all at least 10km over the limit but the cop dropped the radar to his side and waved us through.

    I can only assume the message got through.

  • czarek
    16 years ago

    Like I said before in this forum - there is a lot of good coppers who love and ride their Harleys.

    I do not know exact numbers but there must be about 5000 - 6000 of them in WA so as in any such a large group you will find wankers who are on a power trip and you will find a lot of decent, hard working people who really care about the community and the victims of crime.

    Unfortunately our sensation seeking media reports only on "bad" instances. (Someone got away on technicalities, bungled investigation etc).  The good police work goes unnoticed.

    Noit - a lot of rapist, murderers, thieves, rock spiders and other such crap do get locked up, again it gets mentioned on page 5676789 in The West Australian if at all.

    Many times it is not the coppers but the law and the lawyers who lets the bastards out to commit more and more crime.

    You guys can whinge as much as you want about the traffic coppers (and I agree - there is a lot of cu**s in traffic) but the bottom line is that nearly 2000 people die as a result of the traffic crashes in this great country, that's nearly 10 times more than deaths resulting from murders and industrial accidents combined!!!!!!

    How many of those traffic deaths are the result of poor road design, poor vehicle maintenance and how many are because of a poor driver's attitude is another question and we may never know the answer, however 2000 people a year is 2000 too many!!!

    And spare the thought for the "bastard, wanker, dichead" copper who has to go to the parents/wifes/children of the deceased and inform them that their loved ones are not coming home any more!!!!

  • Bli Bli Bandit
    Bli Bli Bandit
    16 years ago

    Czarek, as I stated I had no problem with the random breath test being carried out and I have no problem with the 300+ k's we did where we seen a Highway Patrol card every 10 minutes, this makes sure you do the speed limit but I do have a problem with 10 or more of them creating statistics and issuing defect notices for handle bars, helmets and mufflers. If the helmet was illegal and such a safety issue then when I asked them if I needed to go and get another one out of the back up ute they should have said "yes" instead they just issued a fine to my mate and let him keep riding with it so it wasn't a safety issue it was just revenue.

  • czarek
    16 years ago

    Bli Bli Bandit

    I agree with you 100%. Most of the so called "Police Safety Actions" are nothing more than the revenue rising exercise.

    When was the last time you saw a speed camera on the road where there was a fatal crash recently? NEVER. The bastards (in WA the "Multanova" cameras are operated by the civilian contractors) always place them on a nice, flat and open road where the road "invites" you to open up a little - guaranteed revenue.

    You are right re your mate's helmet, he should have been allowed to get an approved helmet and get issued with a caution at the most. I bet this would have better impact on your mate than being hassled and getting a ticket. This has just pissed him off.

    On the other hand Police, being funded by a state governments is obliged to show what the money is being spent for so they have to generate stats. This whole f**king game is powered by stats. If you want funding for next year you have to show how many vehicles you stopped, how many tickets have been issued and so on. It's crap!!!

    And to finish my 2 bob: Like I stated before there is a lot of wankers amongst them who think that by wearing a blue shirt they are invincible and can do whatever they want. Idiots do not realise that they are pissing the public off and actually undermining the safety message they trying to enforce.

  • Mungrel
    16 years ago

    Got done a few weeks back in Adelaide. 58 in a suppozed 50 zone. It's a 4 lane road with parkland down one side. I regularly dodge crash victims along it from all the carniage (not)  

    And the new signs they use after the camera location say "Safety Cameras save lives" now rather than the old "Speed Cameras save lives".   Yeah, right.. Staying home saves lives as well.       

  • OSP1340
    16 years ago
    I have no comment. He He He
  • Magilla
    16 years ago

    Cops are doing their job as asked by thier boss.

    If they don't they get their bottom kicked just like I would if I didn't do my job.

    I have wankers that work with me too

    Interesting read, hey OSP1340

  • OSP1340
    16 years ago
    Thanks Beeza, the plans are working out good so far. Except for my dogs. Costs more to bring them then it is for me and the wife.

    I'm submitting my packet to be a resident this month and once I get there going to apply for dual citizenship.

    And yes even over here we have guys who like their jobs a little to much but exspect a break when they get stopped. Doesn'talways work out for them.

    We had a female office in a local town give a good friend of mine who is a detective in my city a speeding ticket and then she pinched a Trooper the same week.

    After her shift Sgt found out what she did both tickets were taken care of. Most of the PD guy live in my city and don't want a ticket war.

    We all have to do our jobs just like everyone else.

    And before any of you ask, YES I have arrested a fellow cop before. He was drunk as a skunk and deserved it.