dry sump??

  • jim76
    17 years ago

    Gday was wondering if harleys run a dry sump? next question can some one explain how i would change the oil in a harley  is there a bolt on bottom of motor and some sort of drain on top oil tank? like some jap bikes do. im thinking this sounds a dumb question.what about oil i was thinking of using castrol truck oil (will keep inside of motor clean)

  • nobody
    17 years ago

    Depends on the model of the Harley as the best way to drain the oil.My 07 roadking has a drainplug that you just remove on the sump and drain the oil,models with remote oil tanks either need to have them drained by either removing a hose from the oil tank or remove the oil filter and run the engine so that it pumps the old oil out while at the same time adding new oil to the tank.As I posted elsewhere,do yourself a favour and if you are buying a NEW model Harley,forget about the fossil fuel oil and only use synthetic in it.



  • shadowhand
    17 years ago

    Most Harleys have a dry sump.

    The sump nut is located on the right hand side near the back wheel on the frame.  Pull the round dip stick out on the right.

  • shadowhand
    17 years ago
    If your using truck oil use CI- 4 plus/ CG-4 and 15w 40. Shell Rimula X or Rimula MV
    15w 40 is a must as any thinner it won't protect your engine enough