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license schmicence

  • 07deluxxxe
    16 years ago

    Gday guys , just wondering if anyone knows the go here.

    if you have a 250cc license ........ and you get pulled over ............... whats the story , ive heard ..$100 riding out of class to $350 and a summons

    ive also heard if you have a 250cc license and a big bike learners ........ its even worst , coz youve read the rules and signed a declaration to say you know the rules .

    can anyone shed some light to what the go is in WA as ive got 11months to worry.

    cheers Greeny

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    16 years ago

    I could be wrong, but it used to be 'out of class' but now believe that it is 'without licence'....

    Do a search on as it has been debated to death there

  • czarek
    16 years ago

    The go in WA is:

    1. It used to be "out of class" but now is "No MDL'  and it is a Summons to the Magistrate's Court.

    2. If you have a R-E class (250 cc) licence and you take a R (open) licence Learners Permit you can ride your bigger bike providing you are accompanied by a qualified instructor or another rider who has held a R class licence for more than 4 years or you can have a pilion who has held R clas licence for more than 4 years, however you have to wear a "L" vest or have a "L" plate attached to your Harley in both instances. (Not cool, Not cool)

    Put it simply - you can not ride alone.

    100% correct above comment - if you ride alone and if you have a prang, you are not covered by any insurance so your bike is f***ed and you can be sued for damages to other vehicle (imagine if you hit a BMW or a Merc - biiiig money)

    Hope it helps

  • Finny
    16 years ago

    I say nothing

    16 years ago
    And if you do have a R-E class (250 cc) licence and you take a R (open) licence Learners Permit and are accompanied by another rider who has held a R class licence for more than 4 years ....


    (a) don't have an L plate up, and

    (b) have a pillion

    What's the damage if you get pinged ?
  • kingchops
    16 years ago
    That Sporty sounds familiar?
  • GREG
    16 years ago
    The rules are about to get tougher in QLD as well. The old Q Ride system is being looked at as the cause for the increase in m/cycle accidents up here. Don't know whats will replace it but Q Ride days are numbered.
  • kensim
    16 years ago
    what they need to do is put car drivers through a similar education ,and things will improve ,speeding does kill its incompentence and poor driving skills.
  • JC&S34
    16 years ago
    I rode/drove with no license at all for over 10 years. Got stopped maybe 6-8 times in that time and got a 100 dollar fine for an expired license each time. Not one cop ever told me I could'nt ride away. You could be in very deep shit if anything happens but your chances of getting caught are pretty much zero.
    16 years ago

    are u guys saying

    qld full lic over 2 days ?

    wa full lic takes 4 yrs

  • czarek
    16 years ago

    FXCWC-WA to answer your two questions:

    a) You are "Contravening your Learner's Permit" by failing to display "L" plate - Summons to Magistrates Court and can expect a $100 to $500 fine depending on the Magistrate.

    b) There is nothing in law to stop you carrying a pilion whilst riding with a Learner's Permitt, but totally agree with Mega and others about your moral obligations towards innocent parties.

    Remember that your good mate todat will be your worst nightmare after he/she looses a leg or an arm or ends up in a wheel chair. Not only they will pursue you through the courts with civil litigations but also you would have to live for the rest of your life knowing that you destroyed some poor bastard's life.

  • Finny
    16 years ago

    VICTORIA : If you hold a full car licence / get learners /hold for 3 mths go for your P's, 12 mths later your on a full licence. and while your on your p's you dont have to display a P Plate but you are constricted to a 250 cc . And i do hear that its going to change cc that is/ weight to ratio up to 600cc.