Online: Retroman

Polishing cases

  • matt
    17 years ago

    Hi I have a 93xlh and the cases are starting to craze in places. Does anyone know what is the easiest way to remove the coating and polish the cases? Other than disassembley and elbow grease? ( Which I am willing to do) Seems like the coating is a bit hard to remove. Any comments would be appreciated!

    17 years ago

    that steelwool with soap in helps a little ,  done it yrs ago never again

  • Peter
    17 years ago

    A mate of mine got into his with a rough grade sandpaper and then worked his way to a finer grade before polishing.

  • kensim
    17 years ago
    if uare willing to take them off,just get them chromed
  • mattro11
    17 years ago

    Ahoy Matt, (Great name by the way)

    Back in the day I was a metal polisher at a electroplaters in Adelaide.

    If you want to polish the cases correctly, you will need to remove them.

    Once removed, degrease them, then get some paint stripper, apply it to the lacquer and then rinse off.

    You probably will need to do this a couple of times to get it all off.

    To polish the cases properly, you will need a 8" bench grinder and the correct polishing wheels. I was in Bunnings the other day and they sell all you'll need there. (albiet at their usual fisting prices....)

    First you'll need to buy the spindle attachment for your grinder, then you'll need 1 Sizel wheel, 1 Stiched rag wheel, and 1 Mop wheel.

    You'll also need the correct polishing compound for each.

    Grey for the Sizel Wheel

    Brown for the Stiched Rag Wheel,

    White for the Mop Wheel.

    Before attacking your cases, practice on a few other peices first, there's a bit of an art form to polish correctly.

    If  you get stuck let me know and I'll give you a few tips.






  • matt
    17 years ago

    Thanks Mattro11. I have most of the gear to polish, but I have never had to remove lacquer before. I'll remove one and get into it with stripper.

  • mattro11
    17 years ago

    No problem, good luck with it, and post some photos when your done!