Scare Tactics

  • sportytrace
    17 years ago

    Gold Coast had 25 motorcycle deaths last year. The ad below is the Motorcycle Safety Steering Committee's very lame attempt at reducing that for 2008. Do they really think 'scary' ads in a newspaper are going to change behaviour????? What a waste of money!


    Sorry I'll get off my soapbox now.

  • black29d
    17 years ago
    No No Sportytrace, please don't get down , just move over, there's room for all up there.

    The add doesn't say how many are Harley's and how many are knees around your ear's rice burners
    How much does a full page add cost, we should take one out for "LOAD PIPES SAVES LIVES"
    "How bad our roads are"
    We have a road here that was half washed down the hill side in the June storm,
    and all that has been done is to tar the gravel verge on the other side, repaint new line markers and shift the road 2 meters across,
    nothing has been done to stop the road from sliding away, just some plastic water barriers around the great hole.
    the crash barrier is in air.

    17 years ago

    looks like a waste of $$ to me  they could of put it to better use with a bigger impact

    a motor bike inbeded in the side of a car  then park that on the side of the rd , make lots slow down ana THINK even cages

  • sportytrace
    17 years ago
    I seriously doubt their target market for that ad even read the GC Bulletin! They've also poured a lot of energies into SMART, a training initiative with the support of Mick Doohan; they've been getting good numbers along, though its hard to quantify results from it.... but again no attendance from the target demographic they are really trying to reach.

    The one thing that gets my attention is the road side crosses.

    There was a suggestion of road signs at the points where deaths occured saying a motorcyclist died from here from excessive speed. But apparently that "clutters the spatial environment".
  • sportytrace
    17 years ago
    And on the news this morning... another death yesterday afternoon at Beechmont. 2nd for this year.
  • johno1
    17 years ago
    Looks like the sort of crap that our local Perth spokesman, Grant Dorrington would come with.........maybe he's moonlighting for sunny QLD??
  • Daggs
    17 years ago
    from my own personal experience i think that ad is fucked, i've had only 1 prang on a bike about 15 years a go a taxi cleaned me up ata roundabout he wasn't even looking luckily i instinctivly moved my leg out of the way as he rammed me directly side on and totaled my old bike(old xl500s last of the twin shock silver tank xl's)
  • Scorp
    17 years ago

    I think its rude and offensive to place all motorcyclists in the same category.How many of these accidents are the Motorcyclists causing (Mr Dorrington just because we ride dont mean we cause them you knob) what is the ratio per capita of Motorcycle accidents compared to Sedans,4wd ect.

    I am not sure but I think I read somewhere that Dorrington said he wants all Bikes banned, I that correct ?.

    Our accident was no fault of mine and could easily have killed both of us when the ute didnt give way. Did he come over and see how we where ?"maybe" did he say sorry "nope didnt even say he was the driver so I have no idea who he was.All I have is his address and name from the police report.

    FFS be responsible for your own actions and accept the consiquences(sp) and be considerate of others on the road.

    I think I would like to see Dorrington or these knockers of bikers get on a bike and see what its like for themsleves instead of assuming and makeing rules for others

    Ok I step down now

  • sportytrace
    17 years ago

    Great post!

    Totally agree with the statement above....... the reality is.............
    cars hit cars, bikes hit cars, busses hit cars, people walk in front of cars (didn't see it??) people walk into people (you can't tell me you never have) Basically someone wasn't paying attention.
    After every weekend, on this very forum, there are threads about the ride just had, and talk of trying to chase someone down, speeding, flat bickies through the twisties etc. When they come to grief who's fault is it?
    Be vigilant, think of the consequences to your family and friends and respect yourself
    Some think they are 10 foot tall and bullet proof. Shit I was guilty of that. The tree changed my mind (you are not as good a rider as you think you are) even the pro's come unstuck
    Such is life, you choose to ride, you choose the risk. Stop blaming everyone else.
    Back to the topic, the add is shit, pure and simple
    Now I shall step down, 2 bob done and dusted
  • shadowhand
    17 years ago
    I think it's a bit pointless because the majority of the accidents involving a motorcyclist are caused by drivers turning into us.

    The Govt. should educate drivers instead, there 95% of people on the road.