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Why do we get screwed on the Night Train?

  • Surly
    17 years ago

    First up let me say the Night Train is without a doubt my favourite Softail...however...

    The 07 FXSTB is USD$900 more than the FXST in the US and $3,745 more in Australia. WTF! ???

    Are we just getting horribly gouged here or is there really almost $4k worth of black powder coating and paint on the train?



  • boofhead
    17 years ago

    Coz dealers are stealers and will use any excuse to make a buck.

  • Surly
    17 years ago

    Had one of each Dazza and each has its pros and cons.

    The street bob isnt 4k more than a superglide is a perfect example of the gouging on the night train.



  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    I have pricing from another O/S country... the pricing is

    FXDB  in USA $US13,595 in 3rd country $US13,825 and in Oz $US17,290 (at 0.76 when I bought the Bob)

    FXSTB in USA  $US15,895 in 3rd country $US18,155 and in Oz $US21,655 (at 0.76 when I bought the Bob)

    So unless the bike is physically different to local units then they are making a killing. Could be because it is a popular bike, who knows.

  • Surly
    17 years ago

    Uncle Ho

    It isn't that we get raped on the base price as I am sure we do, it is the difference in mark up between an FSXT and FSXTB between USA and Oz.

    Your example on the Street Bob is perfect though. It is a blacked out super glide with different bars...much the same as a night train is to a softail standard.

    The bob is a USD$1200 additional cost to a Superglide in the USA and AUD$1,500 here which sounds about right for both.



  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago


    I think you are spot on... unfortunately I did not have the price for the standard Softail. What was blatantly obvious was the fact that in the 3rd country there is almost no difference between their price for the Street Bob compared to the USA price, yet there is with the Night Train. I can very close to bying the Street Bob overseas, but came unstuck on trying to confirm the correct compliance. The VIN number was for International. Canadian was also available. The problem is there are some specific labels for Oz.