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Very nice
Very schmick looking bike. V&H, blacking out and whitewalls - that's just one approach to take. I have V&H Dual radius 2's and I wish now I had've thought more of two into ones!
Love the chin, gators and less bulky indicators. Let me know where you got the gators if posible and how easy to fit (or not)?
With winter coming, this fair weather rider is planning a 'street fighter' overhaul including glassing up (first time) some air dams and a banana style seat - watch this space
To Trickyrik:
That thing is a beaut mate... such a shame they stopped making the 1200R, that tacho looks awesome and those supertrapp style pipes are mint. I'd leave the cast wheels too.. but thats just me, suits the look. I just want to ride some mountains on that thing!
As was previously said.. such a nice change to the 'dealer custom' black sporties that you see every day on every road..
Your sportster is what many bikes lately are not... SPORTY!
Love it.
Hey heres my 2010 Iron. Picked her up a couple of weeks ago, Came with pipes, SE Intake and drag bars.
I wrapped the pipes the other day and put the forward controls on. Ive also got a new seat coming from sick saddles, and currently hunting for a Gauge relocate.
ripper bike there oceanpirate, is it special effects photography? it doesn`t look real. (((-:
Just top picture had background colour changed bottom pic hasn’t been touched….
Got a heap of new gear to go on the bike will post pic's when finished.
So after 18 months of fun on my sporty i have moved upwards and onwards. traded in for a fatty lo that I picked up today. Here is the parting shot of my 48 and a pic of the new fella. im sure il keep an eye on this thread anyways as i still love the sporties.