hey guys, newbie here so i thought ill show you my little girl...
cheers mate, the guy i bought her off reconds its converted but i dont think so, just some head work.
yeah its a custom xl wheel that i powdercoated, i think it toughens her up a little.
thanks for the comments
Yeah nice one Harry whereabouts you from?
Sunny, Rainy, Melbourne, Dandenongs.
Air con 1 day heater the next. Been thinkin about doing the 1250 kit or If I do that may as well go an 88", Dunno for a while yet, It's got 98 and 85 at the tyre now so dunno if it would be worth it or not, Basically no hurry to change it.
Hi All,
Here's my 2003, 100 year anniversary xl 1200c sporty.
My 2012 Custom with Iron Tank, HD Spring Seat and DKC Headlight. And to my surprise the seat is very comfortable, which it should be given the price gauging by HD.... Bought the tank on Ebay and it was a bit scarred, so had a friend of mine detail it with Opti-Coat. Thing came up like glass, and I would recommend that stuff to anyone....
Double post please delete
This is she as of this morning!
'13 48, RSD Turbine aircleaner, V&H Straight Shots slip-ons, Drag Bars, SEPST, La Rosa Saddlebag (other side) and one or two other little goodies! Love her!
Finished for now....
My 2014 Iron.
Just got the short shots fitted, Stage 1 SE tune and SE air filter, Flipped the mirrors and have done the dk customs 2' lift kit. have the coild re location but just gotta get around to doing it.