Yea my bars are the rsd vintage moto black ops, was like just over $400 delivered cheers for the comments!
Shit Pic i know, But just got the Black Drags bars finally on and damn i'm pleased!
Will get an updated pic up when i get the time!
Yea I was allways going to get the Harley drag bars but as soon as I saw the new lower style rsd ones I was sold! But your right pritty pricey! But the quality is very good!
Was a bit of fucking around to get them on, riserless suck! Had to put my folk tubes all the way down flush with the top tree so the bars wouldent hit the top folk nuts, only just fits aswell
Love your gas cap btw!
just lifted the tank and relocated the ignition. Must admit it took a bit longer then expected !!
Fianlly got a better pic of it with the new bars! They are wider than the chrome!
Mate, doesnt look too bad...
I've been looking at these for a while. Pictures look fantastic mate!
Gives it even more of that aggressive look.
Thanks for the upload.
Hey bud, no problems with the police yet, and its been on for a while. Qld road rules say it must be mounted horizontal, and viewable from 45 degrees at 20m behind the bike. I have been through all of the ADR's and that is the only stipulation. As for the holder , it is the HD one available in Aus. but I have modified it by cutting the rear plate it attaches to the bike with. I have quick mounts for some leather bags, so to make the bags fit I needed to bring the plate back , and make it legal at the same time. If you can see in the detail of the pictures , about the only down side is you can see the original line of the outer bracket which is supposed to sit flush under the side bars, is down a little, but its not noticable.
Actually , you can see it really good in the pictures, that outer part where you see the original line of the plate mount , is where I cut the rear mounting plate, then the additional piece of plate I had to weld in looked a bit like a long diamond shape.
I have young girls, which I have the standard pillion seat and I am able to still attach, I am always worried they are going to fall off the back after giving it some one day while one of them wasnt really expecting it and got a bit of a fright , so I put the bar on as a bit of peace of mind