Online: Daffy, FlatTurners

weather forecast

  • gsh
    17 years ago

    anyone ever check the BOM weather forecast here? Haven't been in for a while but checked in to see what's happening and see the forecast before heading off for the day.


  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    Havn't looked for a while... but then I get it emailed each day to save logging on. That way I can check via phone. For the pirates over east Perth weather for 17th

    Precis:      Fine. Humid later.                
    City:        Max 39
    Mandurah:    Max 37

    UV Index:    13 [Extreme] UV Alert from  9:20 to 17:40 
    Fire Danger: Coastal Plain: EXTREME 
                 Hills:         EXTREME 

    Friday      Fine.                                  Min 25     Max 31
    Saturday    Fine.                               Min 19     Max 32
    Sunday      Fine.                                Min 18     Max 32
    Monday      Fine.                                Min 21     Max 33
    Tuesday     Fine. Partly cloudy.       Min 23     Max 34
    Wednesday   Fine. Hot.                   Min 25     Max 37

    Bike is in for service tomorrow so off to the cricket....

  • PigironBob
    17 years ago
    Yeah well it's now 3pm in Perth and the temp at my house is 42c.
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    it was certainly a hot one today... official top 41.3..... Had bike at work and kept moving it to keep it in shade.

  • gsh
    16 years ago
    How do you guys ride in that heat? Anything above 25 deg here in Tassie is too hot to go outside. IMO the best temperature range to ride in is around 18 - 24. Yesterday I rode up to the north end of the island and back (700km) and got sunburnt on the face and back of hands. It only reached 24 deg. Our heat is very dry.
  • gsh
    16 years ago

    rkc, I was born in Finland, lived in Brisbane for 15 years and now I'm in Tassie. The Queensland heat didn't have the same punch at 20 deg as the tassie heat, maybe it's the humidity?

    My dad rode bikes in Finland but when it got below  -10 he took the car. At below -25 we didn't have to go to school but we still rugged up and played outside in the snow .

  • gsh
    16 years ago
    rkc, I'm just outside of Hobart.
    RT, what days were you coming down on? Maybe we could hook up for a beer?
  • gsh
    16 years ago
    RT, 16th I'm on night shift but should be up out of bed by 3pm and back to work by 6pm. Sunday 17th is our club run, maybe you can join us. I'm with the God's Squad. If not, I'll PM my phone number. I'm just off the main highway on the way to Hobart.
  • gsh
    16 years ago

    we'll make it to where ever you haven't been, any direction in Tassie is a good ride