Carby Noise etc

  • Mega!
    17 years ago

    G'day guys, I thought I had seen a post in the past about noise coming from the carby but I can't seem to spot it. It was either my imagination or I'm going blind (the curse of the internet). So, sorry if thishas been asked & answered already.....

    I seem to have a wierd 'squealing/screeching' noise that sounds like it is coming from the carburettor on my Sporty (95 or 96 depending on the paperwork I look at!!). It is really noticeable when it's cold outside or really warm, however idf the weather is pretty reasonable (say 24-30 degrees) the noise is pretty intermittant. It's pretty bloody annoying. Another aspect of the situation is that when it makes this noise there seems to be a sensation of "pulling" as though maybe the fuel isn't breathing/flowing right or something????

    Any ideas of what it may be and/or how I can resolve it??



  • Mega!
    16 years ago

    Cheers, if I can just work out where the heck I need to be finding this stuff!

    When I get the chance I'll have a bit of a look/poke around. I'm not exactly Mr Mechanic but I'm usually keen to give basic stuff a go. I'll have a look on the net for some pics to see what it is you've described & what I'm looking for............especially seeing as when I went poking around looking for the diaphragm I got myself slapped

    If I'm not too hung over tomorrow I'll see what I can get done.

    Thanks again man!

  • nobody
    16 years ago

    The other thing to look at would be the bolts that attach the inlet manifold to the cylinder head and where the carby bolts to the inlet manifold.Let it idle and spray a bit of wd 40 from a spray bottle around the area and see if it changes the way the bike idles,you should also hear a loud sucking noise if you locate the induction vacuum leak.You can also do this with water in a spray bottle,but use it in moderation,you should still hear any leak.



    16 years ago

    Mega go to the   sporster homepage and click on tech  there lots of info there that should help you out i,d put a link on here but i dont know how ,so just type in sporster homepage