To all those still waiting for t-shirts, sorry for the delay but I'm picking them up tomorrow and they will be in tomorrow nights post.
Thanks for your patience, KC
KC, it's all good mate, don't sweat it...................mainly because if you sweat it then I'll have to wash the bloody things before I wear 'em
Its all good KC,
Thanks KC they arrived today and fit this little round ball well
I am still waiting for mine
Any update?
Thanks mate.
Wait Awhile...
Mine arrived yesterday and were left leaning against the wall near the front door beside the drainpipe.............
I don't know what would have pi$$ed me off more........the shirts gettin' nicked or getting bitten by the Redback whose web was attached to the parcel
Great stuff KC, the logo really hilights my eyes
Got mine the other day
all good,no red backs
Got mine today. Thanks KC
They rock
K C sounds good in white but try black as well
Black makes me look slimer
Doubt I could keep white clean for long... end up staying in cupboard or being used as oil rag