Online: fatbat, Hilly

Seat Modifications and Repairs

  • Sponge Boy
    Sponge Boy
    15 years ago

    I modify and repair motorcycle seats; for example: Thinning down of seat for short riders, thickening of seat for more comfort, shape modification, repair of foam.

    I work in conjunction with a couple of trimmers who do the final trimming of the seat.

    In many cases, if the seat cover is in good condition, trim modification is not necessary.

    Mods are usually at a fraction of the price of an aftermarket seat.

    PM me for enquiries.

    Above: Old Sportster pillion seat enlarged and remodelled to suit 08 FXD.

    Above: Finished 08 FXD pillion seat with integral back stop.


    Above: Backrest for Kawasaki Vulcan

    Above: Finished Kawasaki Vulcan backrest. Removable with no mods required to original pillion seat.

    Above: Yamaha 600 seat remodelled for short rider.

    Above: Suzuki Bandit 250 seat remodelled for more comfort.


    Above: Temporary seat for 08 FXD.

    Above: Temporary seat for 08 FXD

    Above: Current project - Mould construction for FXD seat pan. Mould will be able to produce exact replica pans or flat version to suit custom shape.


    Above: Mould surface build-up nears completion.

    Above: Finished FXD seat base mould.

    Above: 76 Honda CB750 seat - Before

    Above: Original seat foam shaped for Cafe Racer style two-Up seat.

    Above: Finished CB750 Cafe Racer two-up seat trimmed by Pat Mesiti of Sunshine Motor Trimmers.

    Above: Finished seat on project bike.

    Above: Harley FXDX due for customising.

    Above: Original Harley FXDX Seat.

    Above: Harley FXDX seat narrowed down, re-styled and extended at rear.

    Above: Re-styled FXDX seat on bike. 

    Above - Finished Harley FXDX seat trimmed up by Pat Mesiti of Sunshine Motor trimmers. 

    Above- Finished FXDX seat on bike at Bendigo Motorcycle Expo.








  • Hywayman
    8 years ago
    hey mate, not sure what part of the country you are but i have a 2006 Ultra that i've cut down to Street Glide style & fitted up a Road King seat
    problem is after about an hour my tail bone starts stinging
    the seat suits the bike & wondering if it could be modified?
    its like the rear curve of the seat needs to be squared off?
    i can send you pics if you like
    regards Pete