Only in Ireland... for now

  • BillyWhizz
    17 years ago

    Do you think this is fair?

    Lower drink limit for motorcyclists
    By Steve Farrell

    Politics & the law

    11 January 2008 13:29

    Motorcyclists will face a lower legal alcohol limit than car drivers under new proposals.

    The limit for riders will drop from 80mg to just 20mg per 100 millilitres of blood in a move outlined by Northern Ireland environment minister Arlene Foster.

    It means riders could find themselves over the limit after drinking just half a lager.

    Riders who travel to Northern Ireland from Britain could get caught out by the law if they drink as much as permitted at home.

    The limit for car drivers will also be reduced under the proposals but only to 50mg.

    HGV drivers and inexperienced car drivers will face the lower limit along with riders.

    A spokeswoman for Northern Ireland’s Department of the Environment said: "The proposed lower limit for motorcyclists reflects the greater vulnerability of bikers if involved in a collision and the greater potential for even the most minor error to result in a motorcyclist losing control with catastrophic consequences.

    "It could also be argued that any impairment might have greater effects on riders because of the skill and focus required to balance and control a two-wheeled vehicle."

  • shadowhand
    17 years ago
    It looks like the tide is about to hit us bikers.

    We are rapidly becoming money bags for Govts. worldwide.
  • Haulen Ass
    Haulen Ass
    17 years ago

    Thats weird they would make two seperate limits but then again should anyone rider or driver be opperating after drinking?  This does just go to show you that bikes are always under the watchful eye of big brother

  • wildgoose71
    17 years ago

    Alcohol and engines don't mix - all engines, not just cycles.

    Score 1 for the idiot legislators.