Nannup - Balingup road

  • wildgoose71
    17 years ago

    I went for a squirt down south yesterday with a mate so that we could scout a few campsites for our Aussie day weekend run.

    We stopped in Nannup for lunch and a frosty one and decided to check out the Balingup road with a view to finding a campsite on the river (marron season starts Aussie day too), as we left the pub the perky barmaid said "Be careful boys that roads got a lot of bends."

    Well fuck me that was an understatement, we road along 10km of snaking, winding undulating road along the blackwood river and were loving it when we spied a sign saying 'winding road next 30km".

    Now for those people not familiar with WA there just arent that many genuine winding roads and when you discover one like this you just wanna ride up and down the fucker all day long.

    It can get boring as bat shit riding in a straight line for hours - but eating up those winding roads is like kicking a bloody goal.

    So if any of you are down that way anytime I recommend the Balingup road from Nannup (or to Nannup) for a nice change to the "open" roads of sunny WA.

    Did 600kms yesterday and feel ready to go again - all except for the fucking wind burnt nose. OUCH!

    Anyone got any unusual roads to recommend (particularly in the SW WA)?

  • alchemist
    17 years ago
    yeah some good roads down there
    around donnybrook through to busso is pretty good

    we should do a southern run again sometime soon i reckon! I'll be keen on that.... are you from down that way?
  • BillyWhizz
    17 years ago
    why is my tongue hanging out.... fcukin saliva shorts the keyboard out...
  • shadowhand
    17 years ago
    Denmark to Mt. Barker is a bit of a challenge. Hills, tight corners, straights you name it.

    If you want something freaky try the Manjimup to Mt. Barker minor Rd.
  • Bobtail
    17 years ago

    Did the Waroona, Dwellingup, Quandaning, Williams, Bodington thing today, Waroona/Dwellingup over Nanga Rd is a hoot
