883-1200 conversion good info

  • ausvampire
    13 years ago

     hi guys.got a 95 sportster 883 with s&s carb and i would like to know what would i need to convert it to 1200.do i buy the cylinders and the pistons or do i need to change the heads too?

    i was looking at buying this kit any good?


    See my sporty thread in the Kingchopster build link in my sig.

  • ausvampire
    13 years ago

    thanks kingchops your a legend 

  • peterp
    13 years ago
    Wanted to know if someone out there could clarify something... I'm just working with a mate, upgrading his '07 883 to a 1200 (dished wiesco pistons with stock 883 heads) but, after completing the job, he's found that the fuel control unit he had bought (allegedly new) from ebay is actually second hand and thus cant be re-flashed. Reading the forums, it seems that some people are saying that the 883's ECU can be flashed to a 1200 map. But the local Harley dealership says this is not possible. Can anyone clarify this for me? Can the ECU be written to without installing an aftermarket fuel controller? And if it is possible, does anyone know of somewhere in the Canberra region that can do it?
  • ausvampire
    13 years ago

    anyone know if i upgrade from 883 to 1200 do i have to change the cams?

  • ausvampire
    13 years ago

    thanks again kingchops.by the way nice work on the build. 

  • peterp
    13 years ago
    Hmmm, OK. The TTS looks interesting, but from its website it looks like it's licensed per bike ...so it would still be a matter of buying one, which is what my friend has issues with (yeah, it's going to have to be done sooner or later, but he's so far bought two -both 'new' secondhand- and so has spent nearly a grand on useless kit). One of the units is a Terry Components TV3, which will let the bike idle ok but pops and farts as soon as you try to ride it. We were hoping that if we could get a basic 1200 map into the ECU the TV3 would do its magic and sort out the fine tuning (which is what it's supposed to do). Thanks for the reply, kingchops -and the advice. Maybe someone else can tell me about the TTS option (or has some inside knowledge on flashing ECU's?)
  • slapster
    12 years ago

    Thought I'd throw in this link to an informative tech article over at Hammer Performance.

    Of course it leans towards Hammer gear but it's definitely worth a read if considering doing a conversion.




  • KDZS
    12 years ago

    If you do a lot of highway riding, it might be worth doing as the bike will rev slightly lower at high speeds. Although I rode my converted Sporty from Adelaide to Victoria and didn't have an issue with it. Changing the pulley will also take away some low end accelleration which was more important to me than lower revs at high end.

  • Urban Guerilla
    Urban Guerilla
    10 years ago

    Hi All,

    Just looking to reopen this discussion again :)

    I'm looking to eventually do an 883-1200 /1250cc on my 2010 Iron.

    I'm south of Melbourne and looking for someone with more knowledge than me to do the installation.


    I've looked at the Hammer kit,

    http://hammerperf.com/883conversions.shtml  (thanks Slapster)


    and the NRHS kit,



    But don't know anough about what dictates if one is any better than the other.

    I'm thinking at this point of a Stage 1 conversion, but not sure if I should change the cams at the same time, as it might be worth it seeing that I have the motor stripped down a little anyways. But which Cams ?!?! Too many on offer


    Anyone know a good spanner man in the peninsula region?

    Can anyone recommend a good reliable kit?

    Would you change cams at the same time?


    Feedback appreciated,


  • Stel
    10 years ago

    Get intouch with Andrew (AA Custom Cycles) - he'll look after you



  • terroristone
    10 years ago

    I did a hammer 1250 kit (just barrels and pistons) not too long ago. I prefer using their stuff, they make good products and have great customer service. The bike i did was an 883 iron and buy just doing the barrels and pistons the bike made great power, but this isnt just because of the upgrade, the correct tune has a lot to do with it, from what i see a lot of guys out there tune efi like its a carby and end up with the same results....not many bikes getting around with these results....

     - terroristone - Photobucket

    Regards Andrew - T1

  • brash
    10 years ago
    That feeling when you smoke a 103 cube softail :) Good stuff.
  • terroristone
    10 years ago
    There are plenty of guys out there spending a few more grand to get 10-15hp more over their rpm range, when all some of them needed to do was find the right person to tune it for a few hundred more dollars.....there are tunes and there are tunes.....

    My 883 is a testament to that, i use stock untouched heads, barrels, pistons, cams, crank, rods, gearing and ran 13.0@103mph (a world record according to the US guys.)

  • Urban Guerilla
    Urban Guerilla
    10 years ago
    Thanks for the info, and thanks for responding
  • terroristone
    10 years ago

    What parts robbo, that wont be just barrels and pistons. I'm guessing you did heads and cams as well? Be a little more specific on what you did.


  • jpt290570
    8 years ago

    gday i have a sporty 883 custom 2005

    i brought it as is and later been told by another person who rode it said it may be bigger inside

    my question is is there any way i can check if its been upgraded im currently in a conversion for it to a trike cheers.


  • fmacdonald
    8 years ago
    Not sure there is anything obvious from the outside, you could see what jets are in the carbie ?
  • jpt290570
    8 years ago

    ok i might check that

  • jpt290570
    8 years ago

    ok i might check that
