Have an issue with the bloody thing now as I found on the Serpy ride it didnt work right and I had to use the occasional had signals.
With the bike stationary and engine off it works fine,never missed a beat in 10 mins of watching.
With the bike stationary and engine running it dont, it tries to flash but basically gives a piss weak effort and short stabs at a flash or it wont flash at all. I have checked the wiring visually and cant find any breaks.
The right hand side works fine engine on or off
There is no problem with starting the bike and no fade in the headlight brightness. I took out the rear tail light spinner and left no globe just incase that was draining but nope same same it still didnt wanna flash right or even at all
With the engine running and the bike moving same as stationary and running.
Any one got ideas or know of a sparky south of the river here that might have an idea?
I have spoken to a few repaires and they said they have no idea what might be the cause and have never heard of this problem.
have ya checkt both bulbs on the faulty side ? might be like a car ya no wen it flashes real quick its got a blown bolb,
swap both bolbs to the other side n see if that side does it
what yr and bike ya got ?
Sounds like a dickie connection or cracked wire.
Especially if it happens with engine running (vibration)
You've done the right thing (engine off, engine on) and as suggested swap globes around
That'll be 50 bucks thanks
When indicator is on is it at full brightness or dull?Sounds like a high resistance joint once cct is hot, check for poor earth connection on indicator. Hope this helps.
I would have said poor earth - not uncommon given the amount of vibration on most hogs, and the amount of modification most folks do.
The other suggestion if you had aftermarket indicators would be an equalizer.
Cuzzy: When the light is on its at its brightest, thereis no fade at all unless you can call a quick burst and then no flash a t all dull hehehe.
Baca: My exact thoughts myself.
Goose and RT: I am thinking its a loose lead or earth leak as when I lightly touch the black lead inside the indicator unit it stops and yes they are stock lights.
Hey Scorp,
I reckon it may have been your faulty indicator that had us turn the wrong way going to Jarradale.
Hope this helps